Tuesday, April 13, 2004


I think I'm getting worse not better. Can't sleep for more than a couple hours without being woken up by my own coughing. My spine is all out of alignment from coughing so hard. My lungs and throat are both painful and itchy. I want to take a rake to the inside of my ribcage. The outside of my ribcage hurts like I have PMS, but I really don't think I do. One of the medical treatments is making my hair fall out and it is freaking me out. I picked up the new prescription for my laryngitus yesterday, but I'm scared to add anything to the pharmacy cocktail. I see friends of mine logging onto ICQ now who I have one or another thing I want to chat with about, but I'm just not feeling very upbeat. Kind of cool though that we have the tech to have conversations with basically no voice which once would have required a telephone. I can't deal with the headache I've had since I hit my head in Phoenix. I have so much to do. I can't be sick. I can't be out of commission.