Saturday, April 10, 2004

Uh oh

Meme Me
I just asked the Subserviant Chicken to kiss me and the results were vaguely disturbing. Come to think of it, my asking is vaguely disturbing. I would like to take something for how miserable I feel right now, but almost nothing can be mixed with the uber-antibiotics I am on. If they weren't so speedy, I would go to sleep. I tried the auto journal tjcrowley has in his lj, but it wasn't as funny when I did it. Probably enough stupid memes for one day.

The Apprentice
I wish I had something good to watch on the TiVo. It changed channels all wrong while I was in Phoenix and didn't get most of the shows. Fortunately for its continuing existence, it did record The Apprentice. I kind of thought Troy should win. So he is a loose cannon. So what. I like loose cannons. Bill would be my second pick. Followed by Amy. I'm totally baffled that Kwame and Nick made it as far as they did.

Ack Ack
I think I can mix cough medicine with these antibiotics. I hope I can because I just did.