Tuesday, July 27, 2004


I'm home now. Will write about comics for BlueBlood.net shortly. I appear to have bitten off a lot of work. Was kind of less productive than I wanted to be today, but I'm really happy about the way things are coming together. Surreally, I unexpectedly ran into the person who first got me into comics at coredumper's event in SD. I took many funny pictures. My hotel rocked, but I didn't take any pictures of naked girls in it. Did get to see fireworks from the balcony. TiVo didn't catch much of interest in my absence. I couldn't believe my box of the new Marquis still had not shown up when I got back. I am getting a bunch of new servers for my sites. Not sure how many yet, but more than I have now. Servers sure do add up after a while. But better too much than not enough I think. Rock and roll. I bought some really yummy cold cuts. I think I am going to eat some and then maybe go to sleep after reading something I bought at the convention or perhaps the new Carl Hiassen novel.