Monday, April 25, 2005


I just realized that I totally left the house with my pants on inside-out. It was just to get coffee, but still . . . I guess I really needed that coffee. LOL I am apparently prepping for an alternative career as an absent-minded professor. I've forsaken every vice but coffee and really I need to have my pants on right way out.

Actually, the other day a few of us were playing the what-if-you-didn't-have-to-work game and I realized that one thing I would do is spend more time in academia. I'd do mostly what I do anyway, which is a cool realization, but I'd concentrate more on the creative side of things which I love best and I'd spend more time in the academic world studying and teaching. Ah well, what if, what if . . .

I've had an unusual string of dinners with people lately whose primary focus is thinking and it has been really stirring the mental juices in a good way.