Friday, April 01, 2005

Splatterfest at Fat Wang's amelia!

Today I received a spam email entitled "Splatterfest at Fat Wang's amelia!" and opened it thinking it was an invite to some sort of deathrock party.

I'm psyched to see Sin City with a bunch of friends tonight!

Yesterday, I was bummed about the buzz that a programmer I thought was cool got slammed pretty hard. He is so talented and I think well-meaning that I really hope things turn out okay. He could be a good kid who got set up by an evil corporation or he could be a mascot for an evil corporation or he could just be a smart guy who did a not-so-smart thing because someone waved mad cash at him. While fretting over the answer to this question, I still finished a magazine story which was very due.

I wish I had slept a bit later. This construction near me is making me want to buy a hundred acres in some humanity-forsaken corner of the earth and move there.

I misplaced my passport and need to replace it. I had to cancel two domestic trips the past couple weeks for budget reasons, but I feel good about being responsible and taking care of the things I did instead. I am hoping to work hard this month and reward myself by going along with some friends on an international trip they are planning. Depends on dough, but I need to replace my passport just in case.

I need to slowly get back into shape now that my ankle is healing up, but I'm not allowed to work out hard, so it is sort of frustrating. I'm a sprinter and I like to get my goals accomplished fast.

I'm hungry, but I can't walk to get a bite and a beverage until my healing foot will fit in one of my shoes. I am icing my ankle right now to facilitate this and it is making my foot cold.

This is not an April Fools post. The only interesting thing about April one to me is that it is W's and Miss Bunny's birthday. Happy birthday to both of you!