Saturday, April 16, 2005

Beautiful Day

Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining. Had fun doing a quick shoot earlier. Afterwards we drove past a family which was pulled to the side of the road with a gas can. Their car had run out of gas right at the gas station but had not quite made it inside and they didn't have money for gas. I almost never give to panhandlers. But it is a pretty day in Los Angeles to take a walk or hang out with friends or drive around with A/C and good company and probably a kind of hot sticky day to be stuck on the side of the road with no A/C. The family stuck by the roadside didn't come across like scammers, just people who were having a bad day and could use a hand getting home. So I had Forrest pull over and I gave them money to gas up. Just feeling really karmically good and like it felt right doing it. A little thank you note from me to the world.