Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Please Remember to Vote

Hey there, Californians, please remember you have until 8pm tonight to vote on a number of important ballot initiatives. You can find your polling place by going to LAVote.net and entering some address information for where you are registered.

There are a number of initiatives which would amend the California Constitution, including one, #73, which would add the language "unborn child, a child conceived but not yet born" to the state Constitution. There are a number of initiatives which could have a huge impact on education in California, as well as initiatives on alternative forms of energy and unnecessary and expensive redistricting.

You can check out the pros and cons for all the propositions, along with helpful links to partisan websites from both sides of each issue, at CalVoter.com.

Please remember to vote. You might feel like a drop in a bucket, but you are an important drop, and voting is a small price to pay for all the benefits of being part of a free society. Maybe it is corny for me to feel that it is everyone's civic responsibility, but voting is everyone's civic responsibility.