Tuesday, July 27, 2004


I'm home now. Will write about comics for BlueBlood.net shortly. I appear to have bitten off a lot of work. Was kind of less productive than I wanted to be today, but I'm really happy about the way things are coming together. Surreally, I unexpectedly ran into the person who first got me into comics at coredumper's event in SD. I took many funny pictures. My hotel rocked, but I didn't take any pictures of naked girls in it. Did get to see fireworks from the balcony. TiVo didn't catch much of interest in my absence. I couldn't believe my box of the new Marquis still had not shown up when I got back. I am getting a bunch of new servers for my sites. Not sure how many yet, but more than I have now. Servers sure do add up after a while. But better too much than not enough I think. Rock and roll. I bought some really yummy cold cuts. I think I am going to eat some and then maybe go to sleep after reading something I bought at the convention or perhaps the new Carl Hiassen novel.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Hey, check it out!

While some people were playing political games, Forrest and I were being productive. [takes moment to both in- and exhale] Okay, okay . . . RTB threw a party for the BlueBlood.net relaunch and the feature is now posted at http://www.blueblood.net/bb_120.html. Thanks, Jenn, Dave, and Jeremy!

TONS more hot deathrock photography at http://www.blueblood.net/bb_120.html!
Fetish Gossip

Note to morons: fetishgossip.com is not my site. I have never even posted so much as a comment on it. I just now used the site's contact form to see if they collect IPs of people who post in their sidebar because I'd like to know what fucking idiot posted that I am a part of that site.
I was on that site for months before Ugly Shyla showed it to me.
I've been known to go out of my way to shoot heavy girls.
My photography and/or writing has appeared in Marquis, Skin Two, Secret, Taboo, Fetish, Extreme Fetish, Women in Power, Gothic Beauty, and of course Blue Blood, but I don't really see my work as fundamentally fetish, so it would be silly for me to build a site based on that scene. There is only one person in the fetish scene I really dislike and I think a site where I slagged the same slag on a weekly basis would get awfully dull. I'm kind of proud of publishing so many interesting sites, so I'd feel silly doing one on all one topic all the time. I would also find it uninteresting. Believe me, fetishgossip.com would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more boring and repetitive if it were my site.
It is true that I like Kelly and I will stand up and say it in public. Does anyone really think I don't have what it takes to say who I don't like in public? I like to focus on the positive, but I am out of patience, so I'd recommend that certain people not push me. Hell, you do not even want to motivate me to post comments on fetishgossip.com. I'm happy to focus on the positive, but I do know the truth and I'll just keep linking that site if I get mentioned on it in any form. If you don't like that site, leave my name far from it, because I will talk about it when I am mentioned. I'm not afraid to sign my name to the truth and my lawyer is better than yours. And mine doesn't have to worry about being asked about their preferences in receiving enemas from clients in open court.
Leave me the fuck out of it because I would rather pay attention to good things and what I'm working on. And you won't like my green ass if you make me really angry. (Dork points if you get the reference, but I'm in that mode this week.)
If there are any fetish scenesters who would like to know my opinion of them, just drop me an email or post a note on BlueBlood.net inquiring. The people complaining loudest about that fetishgossip.com site are the two-faced scum who think they have a monopoly on talking trash anonymously. I'm willing to stand by what I have to say. I am way too productive to spend a week insulting any one person, but I'll be glad to take the time out to post a few sentences of the good, the bad, and the ugly, upon request. I've shot more than two thousand people. But I don't think I need all my fingers to count the number of people I've shot that I don't feel positive about.
You want my opinion, all you have to do is ask for it. I'll be happy to sign my name.
For that matter, if you want Forrest Black's opinion of you, I bet he would provide it upon request as well.
Now, if you all will excuse me, I have actual work to do.
/end rant

Thursday, July 15, 2004


I have Chinese food delivery. Cashew chicken and salt and pepper shrimp with head on. Smells amazing and I'm about to eat some. It rules to be me!
Oh for fuck's sake... 

Okay, so when I posted the link to fetishgossip.com, someone friended me and showed me some evidence that she (don't know her but am pretty sure she is female) felt showed Kelly owns fetishgossip.com. She felt that IP tracking was 100% proof. As an internet professional, I know IPs can be spoofed. I felt the evidence was inconclusive. But it is irrelevant anyway. The site is kind of funny but hardly worth building a lifestyle around. I don't have any new fetish scene drama in my life and I like that just fine. No desire to get involved.
Anyway, I was going down my friends list and saw a post about fetishgossip.com made by vivavanstory and so I trundled over to the site to see what recent updates had been. I noticed a post there referring to these pictures and this livejournal post.
So I posted the following in response to this person who had contacted me first:
Was just going over my friends list and your entry reminded me to take a look at Fetish Gossip and I noticed your post referring to my diner snapshots.
Forrest Black made a joke to me that the reason people think Fetish Gossip is Kelly's site is because they looked around the scene and were like "now who has a spine . . ." I'm not saying I agree with everything Kelly thinks or vice-versa, but I do respect his spine. S.P.I.N.E. is not a secret organization or a nonsecret one for that matter.
It was a joke I posted for Forrest's amusement because he was ribbing me about posting pix of the four of us in a diner. The general theme being that people would over-interpret snapshots of four people eating burgers.
. . . and I discovered that they had taken me back off of their friends list, after they had contacted me first, so that I could not actually reply. The reason sites like this Fetish Gossip one get popular is because of breakdowns in communication. A perfect stranger contacts me and wants to have a dialog about something. I am open to her. I listen to what she has to say. And then find that I can not respond. What is wrong with people?
Peer Pressure

Hey, no one I respect ever got addicted . . .

Evelyne got me to join Friendster a while back. Never really used it though. Masuimi recently got me to join My Space. Been revisiting the whole sort of friend network concept on various sites. Most of them just don't have enough context somehow. Also, Evelyne is a musician and I added a couple of people on the various networks who I actually know who are musicians and now every band in the friend network universe is asking me to add them. Seems sort of spammy, but they have to promote somehow.

I want a better internet time-utilizer.
Twitchy Eyeball

Why is my right eye twitching so badly again lately? It had almost completely stopped for a while. I have some writing I need to do which is kind of overdue in my personal schedule for myself, but the twitching is driving me crazy. Hard to catch up on email or anything much longer than a post on BlueBlood.net. I'm really pleased with the diversity and intelligence of the people posting in the Blue Blood Community.

I love my South Park cartoon of myself with the twitching eye.

I think I am going to try to address some of this health junk with diet again. No complex carbs, minimal sugars, minimal dairy, no caffeine, no alcohol, more veggies, more protein, all that fun stuff.

Went to sort of two dinners tonight. Someone I know was doing a sort of debut for her new chef and then we had another dinner to go to as well. Yum yum.

Chatted on ICQ for a while. That was nice, but my bestest ICQ buddy moved to New York for the month and our schedules never match up lately.

Got some really cool press for various projects this month. I found an awesome new law firm. I've actually left the house and had fun with a bunch of different social circles lately. The new Marquis is out in English now, but I haven't seen it. I think it only shipped like Monday, though, so that makes sense. I have a bunch of things to be actually pretty thrilled about, but I'm feeling kinda down at the moment. I'm feeling sad partly about health probs and partly about the ways that the internet has changed human interaction for the worse. There are a bunch of ways the internet has greatly improved my world, but I can't help feeling like somehow it makes things more convenient for lazy poisonous people. I look down my friends list and it seems like all of the best people I know are having trouble connecting with enough of the people on their wavelength to not get kinda screwed.

I think I've got a rant in me about how everyone is in business on the internet, but they are in minor under-the-radar biz and way too few people are even trying to connect on human terms.

But I think I'll save that for later. I've got four contracts to read over. A bunch of banner stuff to work on. Site updates to do. Contributors to calculate payments for. And a magazine deadline which was the 11th. And a bunch of other stuff on little purple stickies all over my monitor.

Feeling kind of better for having taken some Advil and vitamins when I started writing and just the writing itself helps get the blahs out of my system.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Left House

Was supposed to be in Vegas tonight. Mostly did work but Alex lured me and Forrest and Kelly out for good conversation and a meeting of the superpower secret organization S.P.I.N.E.

Also, check out my new hair cut.

Rest of snaps at http://www.ameliag.com/galleries/fred62kellylindalex/

Much work to do tomorrow. Bed shortly for now though.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

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Friday, July 02, 2004

My Dick is Bigger Than Yours

Ya know what I find really weird. Some people just have to make things a contest. I'm always trying to beat my own high score, not trying to beat the next guy.

If someone is my friend, I don't think about things like who is more accomplished, who is prettier, who is more intelligent, who has more fans etc. We are all supposed to be on the same side.

If I am doing business with someone, I think about what we have to offer one another that will benefit both of us. I don't think about who is actually bigger in the greater scheme of things.

I actually had an ad sales rep boast to me today that the entire NETWORK of sites he reps gets 1.2 to 2 million visitors A MONTH. And he was talking down to me. That is some serious comedy. I just wanted to get ad rates so I could give the company he works for some money, only he kept going on and on about the tiny network he represents and presenting the pricing in such a disorganized way that there would be no way any rational person could make a purchasing decision from his data. The guy was so rude that I finally asked him if maybe I'd been a guest at a convention near him and been on a panel he wanted to be on or had perhaps slept with his girlfriend when I lived in the DC/Baltimore area where he now is. I pointed out to him that his demeanor was not really normal for an advertising sales rep and asked him what was with the bizarre attitude. I was attempting to lighten the mood of the conversation while pointing out that he really needed to be more professional and organized to make the sale. Only he went totally BESERK that I asked if maybe I slept with his girlfriend. Said I was making assumptions. I was just reacting to bizarre rudeness from a stranger.

I don't think his girlfriend was that good in bed because I don't remember her at all.