Thursday, July 22, 2004

Fetish Gossip

Note to morons: is not my site. I have never even posted so much as a comment on it. I just now used the site's contact form to see if they collect IPs of people who post in their sidebar because I'd like to know what fucking idiot posted that I am a part of that site.
I was on that site for months before Ugly Shyla showed it to me.
I've been known to go out of my way to shoot heavy girls.
My photography and/or writing has appeared in Marquis, Skin Two, Secret, Taboo, Fetish, Extreme Fetish, Women in Power, Gothic Beauty, and of course Blue Blood, but I don't really see my work as fundamentally fetish, so it would be silly for me to build a site based on that scene. There is only one person in the fetish scene I really dislike and I think a site where I slagged the same slag on a weekly basis would get awfully dull. I'm kind of proud of publishing so many interesting sites, so I'd feel silly doing one on all one topic all the time. I would also find it uninteresting. Believe me, would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more boring and repetitive if it were my site.
It is true that I like Kelly and I will stand up and say it in public. Does anyone really think I don't have what it takes to say who I don't like in public? I like to focus on the positive, but I am out of patience, so I'd recommend that certain people not push me. Hell, you do not even want to motivate me to post comments on I'm happy to focus on the positive, but I do know the truth and I'll just keep linking that site if I get mentioned on it in any form. If you don't like that site, leave my name far from it, because I will talk about it when I am mentioned. I'm not afraid to sign my name to the truth and my lawyer is better than yours. And mine doesn't have to worry about being asked about their preferences in receiving enemas from clients in open court.
Leave me the fuck out of it because I would rather pay attention to good things and what I'm working on. And you won't like my green ass if you make me really angry. (Dork points if you get the reference, but I'm in that mode this week.)
If there are any fetish scenesters who would like to know my opinion of them, just drop me an email or post a note on inquiring. The people complaining loudest about that site are the two-faced scum who think they have a monopoly on talking trash anonymously. I'm willing to stand by what I have to say. I am way too productive to spend a week insulting any one person, but I'll be glad to take the time out to post a few sentences of the good, the bad, and the ugly, upon request. I've shot more than two thousand people. But I don't think I need all my fingers to count the number of people I've shot that I don't feel positive about.
You want my opinion, all you have to do is ask for it. I'll be happy to sign my name.
For that matter, if you want Forrest Black's opinion of you, I bet he would provide it upon request as well.
Now, if you all will excuse me, I have actual work to do.
/end rant