Thursday, July 15, 2004

Oh for fuck's sake... 

Okay, so when I posted the link to, someone friended me and showed me some evidence that she (don't know her but am pretty sure she is female) felt showed Kelly owns She felt that IP tracking was 100% proof. As an internet professional, I know IPs can be spoofed. I felt the evidence was inconclusive. But it is irrelevant anyway. The site is kind of funny but hardly worth building a lifestyle around. I don't have any new fetish scene drama in my life and I like that just fine. No desire to get involved.
Anyway, I was going down my friends list and saw a post about made by vivavanstory and so I trundled over to the site to see what recent updates had been. I noticed a post there referring to these pictures and this livejournal post.
So I posted the following in response to this person who had contacted me first:
Was just going over my friends list and your entry reminded me to take a look at Fetish Gossip and I noticed your post referring to my diner snapshots.
Forrest Black made a joke to me that the reason people think Fetish Gossip is Kelly's site is because they looked around the scene and were like "now who has a spine . . ." I'm not saying I agree with everything Kelly thinks or vice-versa, but I do respect his spine. S.P.I.N.E. is not a secret organization or a nonsecret one for that matter.
It was a joke I posted for Forrest's amusement because he was ribbing me about posting pix of the four of us in a diner. The general theme being that people would over-interpret snapshots of four people eating burgers.
. . . and I discovered that they had taken me back off of their friends list, after they had contacted me first, so that I could not actually reply. The reason sites like this Fetish Gossip one get popular is because of breakdowns in communication. A perfect stranger contacts me and wants to have a dialog about something. I am open to her. I listen to what she has to say. And then find that I can not respond. What is wrong with people?