Thursday, July 15, 2004

Twitchy Eyeball

Why is my right eye twitching so badly again lately? It had almost completely stopped for a while. I have some writing I need to do which is kind of overdue in my personal schedule for myself, but the twitching is driving me crazy. Hard to catch up on email or anything much longer than a post on I'm really pleased with the diversity and intelligence of the people posting in the Blue Blood Community.

I love my South Park cartoon of myself with the twitching eye.

I think I am going to try to address some of this health junk with diet again. No complex carbs, minimal sugars, minimal dairy, no caffeine, no alcohol, more veggies, more protein, all that fun stuff.

Went to sort of two dinners tonight. Someone I know was doing a sort of debut for her new chef and then we had another dinner to go to as well. Yum yum.

Chatted on ICQ for a while. That was nice, but my bestest ICQ buddy moved to New York for the month and our schedules never match up lately.

Got some really cool press for various projects this month. I found an awesome new law firm. I've actually left the house and had fun with a bunch of different social circles lately. The new Marquis is out in English now, but I haven't seen it. I think it only shipped like Monday, though, so that makes sense. I have a bunch of things to be actually pretty thrilled about, but I'm feeling kinda down at the moment. I'm feeling sad partly about health probs and partly about the ways that the internet has changed human interaction for the worse. There are a bunch of ways the internet has greatly improved my world, but I can't help feeling like somehow it makes things more convenient for lazy poisonous people. I look down my friends list and it seems like all of the best people I know are having trouble connecting with enough of the people on their wavelength to not get kinda screwed.

I think I've got a rant in me about how everyone is in business on the internet, but they are in minor under-the-radar biz and way too few people are even trying to connect on human terms.

But I think I'll save that for later. I've got four contracts to read over. A bunch of banner stuff to work on. Site updates to do. Contributors to calculate payments for. And a magazine deadline which was the 11th. And a bunch of other stuff on little purple stickies all over my monitor.

Feeling kind of better for having taken some Advil and vitamins when I started writing and just the writing itself helps get the blahs out of my system.