Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Grabbing my tit

So the other day, I was trying to help a friend out with some hookup and some advice for his band. I was not dressed slutty at all. In the middle of me trying to talk business which was going to be way more of an advantage for him than for me, he grabbed my tit and commented that he felt my nipple because I was wearing a fairly casual stretch bra. I've lost a bunch of weight and need to buy new bras. At the time, I sort of laughed it off because the situation was already sort of tense and I didn't make a big deal of it. Only I thought we were friends. I was trying to do him a favor and he disrespects me as a woman. The more I think about it, the more I'm pissed off about it. Could just be the headspace I am in now, but . . .