Monday, November 03, 2003

I'm not really a girl

So my family had a lot of dough when I was a kid.
A little girl in my class once asked me if my family was rich.
I asked my father if we were.
He said no, we were well-to-do.

My family is littered with ex-millionaires.
None of us like to buckle under to pressure even when the payoffs are huge.
Hubris, dignity, lack of materialism, inability to grasp the evil nature of our fellow man, one of those things.

I got good grades.
I went to a good school.
I graduated to become a broke-ass punk-rocker.
I was happy about a lot of things and thought I just needed to be more accomplished and be able to pay my bills.

Now I think I need some custom rims for my Town Car and probably a new Town Car to go with them.
I am so sick of biters who wish they could claim my accomplishments that I am afraid to state here what design I want for fear someone else will rip it off.

Now I think I need a three million dollar house so I can get a big dog who will love me the way I want to be loved.

Now I think I should have been a man.
My personality is so much better suited to being male.
Girls tend to change who they are based on who they are dating that week.
Boys tend to have stronger core senses of self.
Boys also tend to think they can't be friends with girls, but they sure wouldn't mind getting some sex.
A lot of times they don't even really want the sex, just feel obligated to pursue it.

I've got that horrible weepy sort of PMS that makes me feel like the biggest pussy in the universe.
Pardon the word choice.
I like to say cunt when I'm speaking from a position of power.