Wednesday, March 31, 2004

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Monday, March 29, 2004


Went to James Groves' gallery show tonight. He and Sinisher were just as cool as I wanted them to be. No mean feat. Yay!

Reheating BBQ now. Then TiVo. Wow, that is almost a beer haiku.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

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Friday, March 26, 2004

Almost a Day Off

So I almost took a day off today. I only went through my email and some stats and checked out a new business board I just got the secret pass to. Didn't check most of my stats. Didn't turn ICQ on. Didn't check the news sites I normally would. Definitely didn't open any software which might involve creating anything.

Started off the day at the doctor and had to get my blood drawn again. Just the test is probably going to cost me $400. I think things like blood tests and dental work should pay the person getting them. On the other hand, I enjoy working and I don't enjoy getting blood drawn, so maybe it all makes sense. My doctor is really awesome and I don't really think he is a vampire.

Felt kind of weak after finishing with the blood work, although not as bad as last time. They took a lot less blood this time than any of the previous appointments, but getting it done right before my period was more unpleasant. I read a book that said that professional torturers prefer to interrogate women in the days right before they menstruate because their pain tolerance is lower then.

Had a nice Italian dinner with Forrest at this place which has this awesome oil spread with whole cloves of garlic to go on your bread. I don't eat much bread, but I heart garlic and this is really extra yummy garlic.

Watched The Apprentice on TiVo. That show is always suspenseful somehow, even though Donald Trump always fires the person I think he should every episode.

Took a nap. Woke up.

I think I might eat some ice cream from 7-11 and watch The OC on TiVo now. I still feel pretty under the weather and I want to be in good shape for my Phoenix trip, so I'm trying not to overdo it the way I usually would.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004


I am happy I am PMSy now because hopefully it means I will not be gouting blood for my next Phoenix trip. I feel kind of bleah today though. Had dinner with Halcyon and Forrest last night which was very nice. Then Halcyon and I met up with Kayla for karoake, but the music was a bit too loud and Kayla lost her voice and it was hard to talk. Hal drew a T-shirt which is hysterical. Was intending to see a friend's band too, but forgot to check in the afternoon for where he was playing. Had stuff to do and called it an early night. Ate a bunch of carby junk and used PMS as an excuse. Got my hair cut yesterday and my favorite hair guy in the world did a terrific job as always. Got to go book shopping. Never spend money on myself, so that was nice. Started to feel agitated with so many people around. Go PMS! Then spent a couple hours in traffic coming back from OC. Hey, I think The OC is finally back on tonight. I heart TiVo. Had a nice dinner with a friend on Monday at the restaurant where folks who have been reading my journal for a long time will remember I was accosted by people who actually said Jebuss. It is one of those restaurants which has tables with crayons and paper. I compulsively color those in without really drawing anything, but my friend compulsively turned one of my blobs into an obcene drawing. He covered it up with the candle though, so it was all good. I got Forrest a present in the wrong size at South Coast Plaza. He is a tall guy. I was thinking about going to the Beverly Center today and exchanging it for the right size, but I'm feeling tweaked about even leaving the house to get lunch today. Go PMS!

I didn't really get PMS as a teen. It seems wrong that I get it now. I wonder what age is average for menopause in my family. Funny that there is endless education about your developing sex parts when you are in junior high/late elementary and college and none later.

Female Body Park Education

Late elementary: The man puts his penis in the woman's vagina and that is where babies come from. Don't try this at home.
Junior High: You will get fuzzy between your legs and bleed for a while each month. This is nothing to worry about.
High School: It is possible to get pregnant if a boy puts his penis in you and you are at the stage where you bleed for a while each month. Abstinence is a good idea.
College: AIDS, HIV, syphillis, gonorhea (probably spelled wrong, but I'm not looking it up for a blog entry), pubic lice, and date rape may all play a part in collegiate sexuality and you need to be prepared. Go to the health center and pick up contraceptives and dental dams, play drinking games to practice being able to outdrink potential rapists, and join community groups which share kinks and perversions you would like to explore more thoroughly.
Adult Life: ? If you surf the internet, sometimes you can find video of girls throwing up while they suck cock.

Fuck. I am still hungry and I still don't feel like venturing out to get sustenance. Delivery perhaps . . .

Monday, March 22, 2004

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Good Manners

Okay, I'm just waking up, so maybe I shouldn't be posting in my journal until I've been conscious for more than an hour, but I feel like excising what is on my mind.

WTF is up with people who can not say thank you? WTF is up with people who can not give credit?

I was thinking about which bands I thought were going to blow up huge a few years back. I was thinking about how some of those rockers really discouraged me from wanting to do rock photography or journalism at all. They seemed to think that coverage just happened. Like it was their due. They never appreciated anything, rarely said thanks, and tended to forget who did them a good turn faster than goldfish.

It occurs to me though that none of those people are in big charting bands today. And not because they lacked the talent. I think that with the promotional tool available to today's big labels, they feel they can find someone talented who will say thank you. I think we all have more prefab sucky music thrust upon us because so many of the people who can really rock can not get with simple courtesy.

Amelia's Rules of Fame and Thank Yous:
You are not naturally famous. Fame is not something that just happens because you deserve it so much.
If someone has the power to create fame for you, they also have the power to choose to make someone other than you famous.
You don't really sound as good as your best mix. Thank your producer, engineer, etc. The rappers do and they are selling better than your broke ass.
You don't really look as good as your best promo photo. Add a photographer credit when you duplicate it or at least don't remove one that is on there.
You aren't really as cool as your most glowing article. If a writer focuses on your great live show and mad songwriting skills and not on how you cheat welfare and beat your homosexual lover and have a day job at Wendy's and got caught turning tricks in the hotel bar last time you played Vegas, remember to say thank you.
If someone hooks you up when you have nothing but potential, hook them up if you are ever in a position to do so. At least say something nice about someone who helped you. Would giving someone else a kind word really kill you?

Say thanks. Show some appreciation for the people around you. And I don't mean in a little ones who made this all possible condescending way. The A&R chick who signs you will be around long after your CD is in the cutout rack. And, no matter how talented you are and what a snappy dresser, she could sign someone who sucks but is appreciative and set them up with a good producer and stylist.

In which case, you won't even be a footnote when VH1 does its "I Love the Turn of the Century" show.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Just Hanging Around

So Blue Blood hottie Agent Aeon reminded me that I hadn't posted my Key Club snaps from week before last. So here they are:

We went mostly to see our pal (and model extraordinaire) deadrat perform with CoRE.

Jezabelle Bond won the banana blowjob contest.

Ran into a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a while. Forrest scored a balcony table with a perfect view, so a bunch of us were hanging out there during the performance which was intended to be the highlight of the evening.

Food was better than I expected. Some of the folks at our table seemed stunned by the suspensions, but I have to admit that at this point a lot of it misses me. I liked that suspensions were radical ways for risk-takers to seek transcendance, but it seems like there are actually people bandwagon-jumping on this now. The CoRE people are the real deal, but the vibe at the Key Club was weird. I usually really love subcultural cross-pollination and there were people I know from a bunch of different worlds at this event, but somehow it didn't totally gel. Partly, I think, having that many suspensions in one evening put too many stress pheremones into the air. Done right, I think exhultation (is that a word?) should be the result rather than stress, but . . . I don't know. I'm still thinking about how I feel about it, but I figure it doesn't hurt to post the pix. Rest are here:

Going to eat sushi and go to the gym now.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

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Friday, March 19, 2004

Being stalked by karaoke machines

Went to a karaoke bar with my girl Kayla. Not sure what the deal is with the recurring karaoke motif in my life lately. Something to do with trying to play more and work a teensy bit less I think.

Did not get snockered enough to karaoke with eight other people to a Queen song I don't like. Also was not videoed doing same. This time.

Ran into someone cool I haven't seen in ages. Kind of surreal but nice.

Was talking to a friend on my cell when I got there and Kayla took off her shirt, shook her delightful breasts at me, and started yelling, "COME ON, I'VE BEEN LICKING COOTER ALL DAY AND I'M HUNGRY AND I WANT A DRINK!" She then proceeded to have enough drinks that she dropped my snapshot camera while taking pix of me with it. I have to go get a replacement. But it was worth it. I always have fun with Kayla.

Pix taken prior to camera going bump in the night posted at hidden link

Friday, March 12, 2004

Another Night on the Town

Went to Kelly Lind's gallery show the other night. Ran into one of my favorite clubland folks who I hadn't seen in a while which was very cool. Also always nice to see images large and in a solid non-electronic form. Went from there to my pal Clint Catalyst's club night. Cockblocking was the unspoken theme there I think. Thistle was doing go-go and was made to put his cock (mostly) away. Then Andy Dick did a very lewd impromptu performance and appeared to be totally game to get blown on stage, but he was told to cut it out. Ran into other Blue Blood model/contributor folks and met some cool new people. One charming gent who I had just met that night was talking to another girl I know who was saying that she was going to leave the smoking patio and go back inside because her friend was the one performing. "Oh," said my new found pal, "is he in pain?" I almost busted a gut trying to keep from laughing.

Rest of the evening's snapshots posted now at Work to do now. May post snapshots from last night's suspension extravaganza later.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Traded in my Bitchin Camaro for a Town Car

I just heard that the bassist for the Dead Milkmen committed suicide. I heard the news, of course, on a webmaster board. I knew these were trying times to be a punk rock girl, but I guess even more trying to be a punk rock boy. Anyone have any idea why?

I remember going to see them when I was in school. They played a frat there. Nice close-up venue. I even remember what I wore that night because my friends teased me about it. Friends of mine drove across six states to hang with me and go that night. Wow.

Everyone I am still in touch with from that time period seemed to be oddly pensive last night. Some kind of zodiac phase of the moon thing I guess.
Writing Retreat

I'm looking for a good spa, some place peaceful, where meals and workouts are included and massage is available, but where I can also be left alone with a laptop for long stretches in comfort. High speed internet access a plus obviously. Low carb cuisine preferred.

Anybody have any places they would recommend? I think I would prefer a US location, although Canada would be okay if it was a significant savings or really awesome place.
Rumination on Photography and Permanence

No one really looks as good or as bad as any given picture.

I like photography because it freezes a moment. A photograph can capture someone looking like the incredible glowing star they had the potential to be, even if they never achieve that potential. For that one frame, it is real.

I like pictures. They crystalize the moment.

I moved a lot as a kid. When I got to college, it was my 12th school in twelve years. There are friends I want to remember the faces of more clearly. There are people I loved where I have no visual to remember them by. There are people I loved where I have only photos where they looked bad or only photos where they looked great. But no one really looks as good or as bad as any given picture.

I want to know what happened to my friend Elisabeth Bj-Pederson from high school, but no amount of googling has ever located her. I wish I had something besides a wallet sized class photo of her which captured none of her personality, her warmth, her loyalty, her zest for adventure, her ability to get to the heart of a matter, her beauty.

I want to know what happened to the first person who ever put a finger in my cunt. I want more than half an aged polaroid to remember who they were. Were they as sexy and fine as I remember? More so? At the time, I felt lucky that someone so hot would want me at all, but I didn't believe the declarations of love at the time. I wish I had more pictures of that time. The ones I have, I look cuter than I remember, but they don't seem like enough of a sampling.

Someone who was my friend in real life long before there was an Lj just posted that he had just looked at pictures of himself from a long time ago and realized that he looked attractive then. He was a heartbreaker. Charming, witty, stylin', and definitely cute. I have vivid movies in my head of parties at his mom's house. I would always sit on his lap when I came through town, no matter who he was theoretically dating at the time, whether or not she was in the room. We never fucked. Now we never will. But I wish I could look at the pictures in my head where they are blurry or possibly misremembered.

In fact, I think that the only two people on my friends list who are people I made out with in the past BOTH posted fuck-I'm-getting-old/fat/not as rich as I expected type posts tonight. WTF?

I love having a digital snapshot camera with a good autofocus. I am getting older and wiser and apparently wisdom is painful. But having a good camera like this allows me to preserve the happy moments. The fun, the pleasure, the warmth, the good times, the memories that feel good.

Of course, because I do pro photography, most people with cameras are tense about taking my picture.

And the two most important people in my life now both dislike having their picture taken. Even when they submit, the pictures don't feel to me like they capture much of who they are. So I just look from all angles and try to commit it all to memory and remind myself that no one really looks as good or as bad as any given picture.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Adventures in the First Person

I've got my snapshots posted now at from the Pills, Thrills, Chills, and Heartache release party in Los Angeles. The book's editor my fab friend Clint Catalyst was the host for the evening's festivities. The book includes fiction by yours truly, but y'all probably know that already.

I especially love the shot of Forrest and Thistle and I have to say Xavier was looking mighty fine that night too.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

I'll have them cut you

I'll have my posse cut you, man, I'm not fucking around!

Snarfed from lunabella who got it who knows where. I love Sesame Street. I want a gang of toughs to follow me around, heavily armed, and wearing fun fur. Cookie has got my back, yo!

Monday, March 08, 2004

Excess Hard Cock

So I just read a warning on Levitra which says," Men who experience an erection for more than four hours should seek immediate medical attention." I consider four hours to be longer than immediate, but I guess I am wacky that way.

Saturday, March 06, 2004


Forrest just finished formatting this set he and I shot for Rubber Dollies

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Sci Fi Fetish Diva

New Darenzia set up on Space Girls now:

Power Lunches

So my friend is doing this monthly luncheon which he is calling a "Power Lunch" semi-tongue-in-cheek. Man, I've been talking to too many webmasters today because "tongue-in-cheek" sounds really lewd right now. Pix at Was really fun to get out from behind the keyboard and hang with people I usually only talk to online.

Got delivery Brazilian with extra garlic smelling most delish which I must go consume now. Pix from the Pills, Thrills, Chills, and Heartache book release party later.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004


WTF, apparently I've gone through puberty a second time. Went to a webmaster luncheon today over by the Beverly Center. Then Forrest and I went shoppin'. Forrest got an awesome black shirt with sort of Dr. Suess black fuzzy spots on it, only subtle. I got three new bras at Victoria's Secret. My breasts have been really bothering me recently and apparently the reason is that I was wearing a 34B or C instead of a DOUBLE D. Totally bizarre, although perhaps an explanation of some of how I've been feeling lately.

One of my new bras:

Where did those come from?

Tuesday, March 02, 2004


Did another reading tonight. This time in OC. Other readers included Mark Ewert, Jan Richman, Horehound Stillpoint, Shawna Kenney, Alvin Orloff, Tara Jepsen, and of course Clint Catalyst. Introducing Mark, Clint pointed out that his story about romancing the great Beat writers was all true. Then he said he thought most of the stories in the book were true. Mine has autobiographical elements, but the characters are composites and, although based on real events, it is fictionalized. Real life tends not to be as clean and symbolic as good fiction. Usually. Mark, Horehound, and Tara in particular did really compelling readings, although everyone was really on it, except for Alvin who was sick, but happily I got to hear him read on a good day last time. This was only my third time reading my fiction at this sort of event, but I'm getting more comfortable doing it. I am fortunate that all three times were with people who really know how.

Enjoyed having Chinese food with everyone afterwards. At least I know dining by South Coast Plaza, so I'm not completely clueless. Or something. Clint and I drove out together. Then Mark, Horehound, and poor suffering trooper Alvin also came back in my car.

Boy was it raining like a motherfucker in Southern Cali tonight. Actually have the heat on right now.

I really want to take some time out to write seriously. Need to figure out the whens and hows and goals, but, the more I think about it, the more I realize it is something I want to do again. For real. Not in bits and pieces.

Possible Approaches to 2004 I wrote a while back:
Pick business goal for year
Pick business goal for half year mark and take off a month to write if it is met
Fuck stupid business stuff and take time off whichever month I feel would be best for creating

I'd like to spend a month in Portland or DC or Middletown or a spa doing something for myself for a change and writing with a new laptop and minimal internet and minimal phone. Suggestions for where the best place to buy an extremely lightweight laptop with a good screen and full size keyboard would be?