Friday, March 19, 2004

Being stalked by karaoke machines

Went to a karaoke bar with my girl Kayla. Not sure what the deal is with the recurring karaoke motif in my life lately. Something to do with trying to play more and work a teensy bit less I think.

Did not get snockered enough to karaoke with eight other people to a Queen song I don't like. Also was not videoed doing same. This time.

Ran into someone cool I haven't seen in ages. Kind of surreal but nice.

Was talking to a friend on my cell when I got there and Kayla took off her shirt, shook her delightful breasts at me, and started yelling, "COME ON, I'VE BEEN LICKING COOTER ALL DAY AND I'M HUNGRY AND I WANT A DRINK!" She then proceeded to have enough drinks that she dropped my snapshot camera while taking pix of me with it. I have to go get a replacement. But it was worth it. I always have fun with Kayla.

Pix taken prior to camera going bump in the night posted at hidden link