Wednesday, March 24, 2004


I am happy I am PMSy now because hopefully it means I will not be gouting blood for my next Phoenix trip. I feel kind of bleah today though. Had dinner with Halcyon and Forrest last night which was very nice. Then Halcyon and I met up with Kayla for karoake, but the music was a bit too loud and Kayla lost her voice and it was hard to talk. Hal drew a T-shirt which is hysterical. Was intending to see a friend's band too, but forgot to check in the afternoon for where he was playing. Had stuff to do and called it an early night. Ate a bunch of carby junk and used PMS as an excuse. Got my hair cut yesterday and my favorite hair guy in the world did a terrific job as always. Got to go book shopping. Never spend money on myself, so that was nice. Started to feel agitated with so many people around. Go PMS! Then spent a couple hours in traffic coming back from OC. Hey, I think The OC is finally back on tonight. I heart TiVo. Had a nice dinner with a friend on Monday at the restaurant where folks who have been reading my journal for a long time will remember I was accosted by people who actually said Jebuss. It is one of those restaurants which has tables with crayons and paper. I compulsively color those in without really drawing anything, but my friend compulsively turned one of my blobs into an obcene drawing. He covered it up with the candle though, so it was all good. I got Forrest a present in the wrong size at South Coast Plaza. He is a tall guy. I was thinking about going to the Beverly Center today and exchanging it for the right size, but I'm feeling tweaked about even leaving the house to get lunch today. Go PMS!

I didn't really get PMS as a teen. It seems wrong that I get it now. I wonder what age is average for menopause in my family. Funny that there is endless education about your developing sex parts when you are in junior high/late elementary and college and none later.

Female Body Park Education

Late elementary: The man puts his penis in the woman's vagina and that is where babies come from. Don't try this at home.
Junior High: You will get fuzzy between your legs and bleed for a while each month. This is nothing to worry about.
High School: It is possible to get pregnant if a boy puts his penis in you and you are at the stage where you bleed for a while each month. Abstinence is a good idea.
College: AIDS, HIV, syphillis, gonorhea (probably spelled wrong, but I'm not looking it up for a blog entry), pubic lice, and date rape may all play a part in collegiate sexuality and you need to be prepared. Go to the health center and pick up contraceptives and dental dams, play drinking games to practice being able to outdrink potential rapists, and join community groups which share kinks and perversions you would like to explore more thoroughly.
Adult Life: ? If you surf the internet, sometimes you can find video of girls throwing up while they suck cock.

Fuck. I am still hungry and I still don't feel like venturing out to get sustenance. Delivery perhaps . . .