Sunday, March 21, 2004

Just Hanging Around

So Blue Blood hottie Agent Aeon reminded me that I hadn't posted my Key Club snaps from week before last. So here they are:

We went mostly to see our pal (and model extraordinaire) deadrat perform with CoRE.

Jezabelle Bond won the banana blowjob contest.

Ran into a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a while. Forrest scored a balcony table with a perfect view, so a bunch of us were hanging out there during the performance which was intended to be the highlight of the evening.

Food was better than I expected. Some of the folks at our table seemed stunned by the suspensions, but I have to admit that at this point a lot of it misses me. I liked that suspensions were radical ways for risk-takers to seek transcendance, but it seems like there are actually people bandwagon-jumping on this now. The CoRE people are the real deal, but the vibe at the Key Club was weird. I usually really love subcultural cross-pollination and there were people I know from a bunch of different worlds at this event, but somehow it didn't totally gel. Partly, I think, having that many suspensions in one evening put too many stress pheremones into the air. Done right, I think exhultation (is that a word?) should be the result rather than stress, but . . . I don't know. I'm still thinking about how I feel about it, but I figure it doesn't hurt to post the pix. Rest are here:

Going to eat sushi and go to the gym now.