Friday, March 26, 2004

Almost a Day Off

So I almost took a day off today. I only went through my email and some stats and checked out a new business board I just got the secret pass to. Didn't check most of my stats. Didn't turn ICQ on. Didn't check the news sites I normally would. Definitely didn't open any software which might involve creating anything.

Started off the day at the doctor and had to get my blood drawn again. Just the test is probably going to cost me $400. I think things like blood tests and dental work should pay the person getting them. On the other hand, I enjoy working and I don't enjoy getting blood drawn, so maybe it all makes sense. My doctor is really awesome and I don't really think he is a vampire.

Felt kind of weak after finishing with the blood work, although not as bad as last time. They took a lot less blood this time than any of the previous appointments, but getting it done right before my period was more unpleasant. I read a book that said that professional torturers prefer to interrogate women in the days right before they menstruate because their pain tolerance is lower then.

Had a nice Italian dinner with Forrest at this place which has this awesome oil spread with whole cloves of garlic to go on your bread. I don't eat much bread, but I heart garlic and this is really extra yummy garlic.

Watched The Apprentice on TiVo. That show is always suspenseful somehow, even though Donald Trump always fires the person I think he should every episode.

Took a nap. Woke up.

I think I might eat some ice cream from 7-11 and watch The OC on TiVo now. I still feel pretty under the weather and I want to be in good shape for my Phoenix trip, so I'm trying not to overdo it the way I usually would.