Friday, March 12, 2004

Another Night on the Town

Went to Kelly Lind's gallery show the other night. Ran into one of my favorite clubland folks who I hadn't seen in a while which was very cool. Also always nice to see images large and in a solid non-electronic form. Went from there to my pal Clint Catalyst's club night. Cockblocking was the unspoken theme there I think. Thistle was doing go-go and was made to put his cock (mostly) away. Then Andy Dick did a very lewd impromptu performance and appeared to be totally game to get blown on stage, but he was told to cut it out. Ran into other Blue Blood model/contributor folks and met some cool new people. One charming gent who I had just met that night was talking to another girl I know who was saying that she was going to leave the smoking patio and go back inside because her friend was the one performing. "Oh," said my new found pal, "is he in pain?" I almost busted a gut trying to keep from laughing.

Rest of the evening's snapshots posted now at Work to do now. May post snapshots from last night's suspension extravaganza later.