Thursday, April 30, 2009


  • 13:23 @clintcatalyst Kuromi is excellent, been around for some time #
  • 14:02 @ForrestBlack Need more coffee? #
  • 14:28 @Darla_Crane Caffeine is not always the answer . . . but often. Not to dis new eyeliner. #
  • 14:39 @stacycat RT RT @maymaym: RT @unspeakableaxe: "AIDS will kill more this week than #swine #flu will all year. Why isn't that a bigger story?" #
  • 14:40 @beetleginny LOL. You win. How did you get ITK before SXSW? #
  • 15:20 Ow! Sudden insane toothache! Kinda achey this morning, but now super-OW! #
  • 18:37 @BillyAntiseptic You're mentioned: RT @AltPornNet New blog post: BlueBlood: Hot Kinky Nixon Sixx #
  • 04:53 Okie dokie. Toothache not improving. Not normally morning person so no idea what time dentist opens in morning. Ow. Full wk/wkend=Bad timing #
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Like one fandom events like TwiCon?

Like one fandom events like TwiCon?

by Amelia G : April 24th, 2009

Twilight vampiresPerez Hilton reports in Party Like a Vampire that convention booths are insufficient to entertain Twilight fans, so the series will be getting a large convention in Dallas dedicated to Twilight. The event is, perhaps not surprisingly, called TwiCon. It features a variety of comedy troupes who create respectfully humorous Twilight spoofs and a line-up of bands, most of which are inspired by the movie, but one of which, 100 Monkeys, is notable because it includes Jackson Rathbone who plays vampire Jasper Hale in the movie and its forthcoming sequel The Twilight Saga: New Moon later this year.

Popular Twilight fanfic site Twilighted is doing a fan fiction contest as part of TwiCon with a theme of romance 100 years in the vampire future. Would it be wrong if I mentioned that the only other individual fandoms which tend to receive dedicated conventions are Star Trek and Star Wars. And Star Trek really jumpstarted the erotic slashfic type of fanfic. I’m not sure whether it is technically accurate to refer to sexy fan fiction as a genre with a series of sub-niches, but it feels kinda accurate. Maybe if Star Trek is getting a sexy modern makeover, someone needs to write some threeway erotica fanfic involving Bella and Edward and Spock. Or . . .

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  • 02:46 @ForrestBlack I joined twitter 776 days ago - ? Nanny nanny boo boo #
  • 02:50 Adam Lambert Feeling Good Disco suit vs Mobster chic ... inverted but hot #
  • 02:55 Thistle just texted me that E! was talking about the pics @ForrestBlack and I shot of Adam Lambert. Cool. Thistle, what's your Twitter acct? #
  • 03:30 @votefortheworst RT Final Five -- Glambert Shines, And Other People Sing LOL BEST article title of the evening! #
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Adam Lambert Feeling Good

Adam Lambert Feeling Good

by Amelia G : April 29th, 2009

Adam Lambert Feeling GoodAdam Lambert was feeling good tonight on American Idol. The producers of the show chose to put him in the final performance slot of the night and it is a good thing they did because nobody else on there could have followed him. He took a fine strut down the towering American Idol staircase and sang a terrific rendition of “Feeling Good”. My only quibble of the evening is that Adam Lambert was wearing a white suit with a black shirt this week and a shiny black suit last week. This week is Rat Pack week and last week was Disco. Maybe the American Idol stylist and tailor were running behind schedule on the John Travolta Saturday Night Fever white suit outfit and ahead on the updated mobster chic black suit. Or maybe Adam Lambert was just looking to defy expectations and I can get behind refusing to be predictable, especially when the guy is that talented. And looks that fine in both black and white suits.

“Feeling Good” is a song made Rat Pack famous by Sammy Davis, Jr. It was, however, originally written for a critically-acclaimed, Tony Award-winning, commercially unsuccessful musical called The Roar of the Greasepaint - The Smell of the Crowd by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley. Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley wrote a lot of songs and musicals and are some of the most successful modern composers on the planet. Blue . . .

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009


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Thursday, April 23, 2009


  • 09:21 @SinnamonLove Sweets for the sweet ;-p #
  • 09:23 If I Can’t Have You, I Don’t Want Nobody, Baby or It’s Like Studio 57 Up in Here #
  • 13:34 @digitalArtform How were you a Clio judge at such a young age? #
  • 16:11 @clintcatalyst Happy birthday redux #
  • 16:13 @digitalArtform I don't think anyone but Idol's Kara DioGuardi has ever been to the Studio 57 in her mind: #
  • 16:20 Who can confuse Saturday Night Fever with SNL? #
  • 16:23 @THE_REAL_SHAQ RT: If you don't play your best against your opponent, you are disrespecting them. Bill russell #
  • 16:23 @THE_REAL_SHAQ RT : How can u b an expert without legitimate knowledge or legitimate experience Shaq oneal #
  • 00:31 Ya know how sometimes reservations printed out, suitcases packed, deadlines met, TiVo set & just can't shake feeling like something is off? #
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Stephy Slaughter's Pussy (PICS)

ForrestBlack and I shot Stephy (and her adorable kitty Bitey) in the dance studio/nightclub which was essentially her living room at the time we were crashing with her. Be careful because Bitey bites. Full series in BlueBloodVIP.

stephy blueblood pussy

stephy blueblood pussy

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

If I Can’t Have You, I Don’t Want Nobody, Baby or It’s Like Studio 57 Up in Here

If I Can’t Have You, I Don’t Want Nobody, Baby or It’s Like Studio 57 Up in Here

by Amelia G : April 22nd, 2009

Adam Lambert If I Can't Have You, I Don't Want Nobody, BabyHow is it possible that a pop treacle show like American Idol can suck at disco? When collegiate-cutie-marketable-to-preteens Kris Allen did a slowed-down version of Donna Summer’s “She Works Hard for the Money”, I thought he totally owned it because Kris Allen is not a guy anyone would really see doing disco and the song was still enjoyable. I liked it the same way I liked Adam Lambert’s industrial world music take on Ring of Fire. Only, ya know, less so. Because I really really liked Adam Lambert performing “Ring of Fire” and would listen to that again repeatedly on purpose. Unfortunately, almost all the American Idol contestants tonight failed to do disco. What is the point of having a theme, if nobody does anything which really fits it?

Then again, this is a show where they inexplicably added an actual judge who can confuse Saturday Night Fever aka the movie which made disco a phenomenon with NBC’s successful comedy sketch show of the last three decades Saturday Night Live and the revered and legendary disco nightclub Studio 54 with Studio 57 aka the imaginary nightclub in her otherwise less-than-full head. (PS Dear Kara DioGuardi, the guy from Saturday Night Fever is actually John Travolta and Clark Kent is really Superman.) I understand that Kara DioGuardi is otherwise very accomplished and live television is very difficult, but . . .

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  • 13:54 OG Blue Blood magazine covergirl Cherry Jason and Ledgrey #
  • 17:51 Ben and Jerry’s FREE ICE CREAM #
  • 17:53 @duckydoo If you saved $8,400 a year, wouldn't that give you more security and be able to cover most medical procedures likely over time? #
  • 17:58 @aagblog Was never motivated to watch American Idol before. Hope Adam Lambert wins & not just cause I shot him #
  • 18:03 @duckydoo Doctor's visit for serious top professional specialist, med school prof level is $500 max & if your $, don't need permission. #
  • 21:57 @EssinEm What do you like to drink? #
  • 21:59 @janejett Where ya going? #
  • 00:09 @janejett Visit or moving? #
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ben and Jerry’s Free Ice Cream

Ben and Jerry’s Free Ice Cream

by Amelia G : April 21st, 2009

ben and jerry s free ice creamIf you live on the West Coast like me, it is not too late to get free ice cream from Ben and Jerry’s today. Southern California has been having a crazy heatwave. I confess to worshiping at the alter of frosty central air conditioning, but I had to leave the house yesterday to get espresso beans for iced lattes and was stunned at how fast it has gone from chilly to insanely hot this year.

I guess this is the part where I should probably deconstruct the ways in which all strata of counterculture are marketed to disingenuously most of the time. I could talk about how people think there are these two hippies Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield who built an ice cream empire subsisting on a shoe-string budget, making strongly flavored ice cream according to their own personal quirky stoner tastes, and serving it in an old gas station. I could talk about the ferocious rivalry between Ben and Jerry’s and Häagen-Dazs and how Häagen-Dazs attempted to keep Ben and Jerry’s out of their distribution channels and Ben and Jerry’s repeatedly sued Häagen-Dazs and started a whole PR campaign with the slogan, “What’s the Doughboy afraid of?” If you are wondering where that slogan came from, the answer is that Häagen-Dazs is owned by Pillsbury, or at least was at the time, and Ben and Jerry’s was . . .

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  • 11:47 You know the economy is bad when Mercedes commercials start sounding like Crazy Eddie. (Yes, I'm making all ancient commercial refs this wk) #
  • 13:49 Naked Girls Smoking Weed - Best of 420 Girls (This link SFW, but links in article NSFW) #
  • 13:50 BlueBlood VIP Site Passes 100k Photos (This link SFW, but links in article NSFW) #
  • 14:16 @digitalArtform Eep. Which link is broken? It seems like they work on my end. #
  • 14:25 @SydBlakovich Cleanses pass (if you'll excuse the word choice), but you will annihilate in the ring & can reward with yummies after #
  • 15:24 Superna - The 420 Interview #
  • 19:13 California v. Superna goes up in smoke Thanks, Gram! #
  • 19:19 BlueBlood: Superna Interviewed About Pot Bust Thanks, Cutter! #
  • 19:20 RIP J G Ballard #
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Monday, April 20, 2009

RIP J G Ballard

RIP J G Ballard

by thomasroche : April 20th, 2009

j g ballard conversationsThe Telegraph informs me that legendary author J.G. Ballard has died. Though the Telegraph obit leads one to believe that he was best known for his biographical novels Empire of the Sun and The Kindness of Women, in fact in my social set he was known as the author of perhaps the most bizarre, challenging, audacious, demented, and visionary apocalyptic fiction ever put to paper or pixels. Take, for example, his work “The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Considered as a Downhill Motor Race,” the title of which kind of speaks for itself. It was part of his larger work The Atrocity Exhibition, which I believe he originally wrote as a screenplay/multimedia presentation shown simultaneously on three screens. Probably his best-known speculative work is the absolute mindfuck Crash, which concerns the overriding eroticization of car crashes. It was made into what I considered a largely successful film by David Cronenberg, but the gaps of sheer vision between the film and the book are such that one viewing the movie hasn’t the foggiest idea what the book is getting at. It’s a work both bewildering, hilarious and utterly intoxicating. When it was published in 1973, people got kind of worked up about it.

About a year ago I went to see the Thrillpeddlers 2008 Grand Guignol program; as we entered, RE:Search Books publisher V. Vale, who has . . .

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Superna 420 Gallery

Forrest Black and I shot the lovely Superna in her living room. Painting and tattoos by Individual. More on The whole thing in the BlueBlood VIP.

Blue Blood
(Image Courtesy of Blue Blood)

420 Hookah Gallery

Forrest Black and I shot this in her bedroom. Lots more at The whole thing in the BlueBlood VIP.

Blue Blood
(Image Courtesy of Blue Blood)

Superna - The 420 Interview (PICS)

Superna - The 420 Interview

by Amelia G : April 20th, 2009

superna 420 interviewSo we posted the whole sexy series of Superna serving a couple pounds of weed in the BlueBlood VIP some time ago and, in honor of 4/20, we posted a free 420 photo gallery here. What we have not been able to share with you all, because her and Individual’s case was still pending, is that her home was raided shortly after this. Superna is someone who just lights up a room. In my experience, Superna makes everyone around her smile, so I am shocked and appalled that someone would do this to her. She always radiates a certain beautiful infectious joy and it broke my heart that she had to go through this. I guess I should probably also have been freaked out that Forrest Black and I shot this photo set at her home, actually during the time period her house was under surveillance, but at least the photos had nothing to do with her arrest.

Superna: Oh my god.. .it was like a movie! 20 swat officers with machine guns at 7am.. my 2 roommates were there, but Individual and I were in Louisiana . . . They kicked in the door while Willie was watching FOX News getting ready for work.. they also kicked in the two fences to the back yard. They expected a HUGE bust, which did not happen, so they looked like idiots! When we got back . . .

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Naked Girls Smoking Weed - Best of 420 Girls

Naked Girls Smoking Weed - Best of 420 Girls

by Amelia G : April 20th, 2009

420 girlsNaked Girls Smoking Weed - Best of 420 Girls is a compilation of photographer Rob Griffin’s favorite images from his 420 Girls site. From the site tour, it looks like the 420 Magazine peeps got bored of updating much once they had this coffee table book out. You know how distractable stoners are.

Before the stoner-identified among you all make notes to send me hate mail, so you won’t forget to, allow me to state categorically that I feel strongly that pot should be legal. I think that making something, that most people do illegal, just teaches disrespect for the laws, and makes it a lottery whether someone’s life will be taken entirely off-track in a horrible way over kind of nothing. I am well-aware that caffeine is a drug and I’d be pretty sad if iced lattes got legislated against. I’d probably keep drinking iced lattes too, under those circumstances. We should have reasonable laws and enforce them. I truly believe that, if anti-drug laws on the books were genuinely rigorously enforced against all law-breakers for even a little while, those laws would all be changed. Rob Griffin, the mastermind and photographer behind 420 Girls, got a felony conviction for pot in Maryland in 1992. Being in the DC area, he was politically-aware and upset that this meant he lost his right to vote. In 1993, he . . .

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BlueBlood VIP Site Passes 100k Photos (PICS)

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  • 17:09 @kumimonster Heated bathroom floor does sound like a pretty ideal luxury for a cold climate #
  • 17:11 @qDot Yeah, why is it so hard to find a 3d mesh of Hello Kitty's head when you really need it? Ask myself that all the time ;-p #
  • 17:19 Got up hours ago, but having trouble getting it up to start my day. Coffee better be the answer. #
  • 19:20 I just added myself to Twitter Directory under #blogger #photographer #writer #
  • 19:57 @V6ughn I just started watching that show turning on TV in middle of the night. Not animated, but loved the look copying episode. #
  • 00:14 @BillyAntiseptic Pics or it didn't happen ;-p #
  • 00:24 @SydBlakovich Michael Phelps tribute fitting for the date #
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Sunday, April 19, 2009


  • 18:06 @funkatron Been meaning to watch that. And here I just canceled my Netflix. #
  • 18:07 @xianvox RT Wow. I want to look this rad at 100 years old: #
  • 18:14 I was really hoping to work Fri 12noon until 6:30am & then have to start Saturday with server issues for B2B site Not even an iced latte yet #
  • 18:43 @almostevil If the fax in here would automatically give me quality coffee when anyone on Twitter wanted to buy me a drink, that would rule. #
  • 19:27 Wish I had paper towels to go w/turkey bologna & iced latte/banana & realized bought in bulk last time. Am I grown-up or what for planning! #
  • 23:52 @lamaupin You Napa-izing, lucky girl? #
  • 00:29 @DaveMora I would so go to WxWW 2010 if it had panels! I would bring my own A/C. #
  • 00:33 BlueBlood VIP over 100k Too tuckered out for eyeliner, but going out now. Miller time. #
  • 00:44 Stella/microbrew 4 me, not Miller. Miller time is time of reward after hard day's work-from 70's/80's commercials. Blue Blood founded 1992. #
  • 02:32 Back home. Going to eat Tofutti Cutie (lime/vanilla). Watch History of Violence (if good). Sleep (hopefully). #
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Saturday, April 18, 2009


  • 18:34 Eep. Buying ads and clicked on what I thought was a wet T-shirt contest site. Wet can refer to, uhm, other stuff. Oopsie, not what I sought. #
  • 23:57 @AleckzG Drat, I will be out of town then. #
  • 23:59 Officially tuckered out. Finished work after Book Club & "Premiere" in wee hrs last night. Started noon today, worked solid until now. Oof. #
  • 23:59 @almostevil You never know when that info could come in handy. #
  • 00:00 @lamaupin So how would a talented spooky writer describe what Blue Blood is in 140 characters or less? #
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Friday, April 17, 2009


  • 11:15 WTF is up with the Hollywood helicopters & sirens all the time lately? Daily manhunt or what? #
  • 16:24 Blue Blood is on FOX News in a segment with Linday Lohan & Samantha Ronson. No idea how to feel. #
  • 23:48 In limo passing premiere crowd for Gatsby starring Vincent Chase. Surreal Hollywood Entourage coming back from Book Club #
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blue Blood on FOX News

Hey everyone, we are “Hollywood’s most dark and offbeat counterculture” according to FOX News. Not that we haven’t been on various FOX shows online and on television a number of times, but I thought I’d share.

There are a couple of things which bother me about this piece, but they are probably only a thing to me and like six other people, and it’s always nice to be recognized. Then again, a segment about why Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson are splitsville follows.

And I’m pleased the Adam Lambert coverage was not negative. I’m saying no to anyone who contacts me wanting to do any sort of hit piece using the photos Forrest Black and I shot of Adam Lambert. We even got Star Magazine to play nice in . . .

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009


  • 21:13 Just ordered ridiculous amount of Thai food. Hope I can carry pick up. They don't deliver & are 2 blks away. Fresh rolls, dumplings, chicken #
  • 06:06 Had fresh rolls, chicken satay, fried pork dumplings, chicken and long beans curry. Apologies to all who got contact craving for Thai. Yummy #
  • 06:06 MSNBC vs Adam Lambert and Twilight #
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

MSNBC vs Adam Lambert and Twilight

MSNBC vs Adam Lambert and Twilight

by Amelia G : April 14th, 2009

Adam Lambert Mad WorldSo Linda Holmes of MSNBC just posted an article where she called FOX’s American Idol front-runner Adam Lambert “self-indulgent and not particularly creative”. I know FOX and MSNBC are competitive with one another, but I just think Linda Holmes is way off-base. She goes on to say:

“But what, exactly, is the Adam Lambert constituency of the future? He would be popular with fans of … what? The judges seem to think that the answer is “Twilight,” but what kind of sense does that really make? . . . But before anyone goes anointing him some kind of highly marketable future star, take another look at that performance of “Ring Of Fire,” and ask yourself whether you’d hear that on the radio.”

First off, I feel like Twilight and Adam Lambert are two of the only major mainstream pop culture phenomenons of the new millennium which actually are made for an incredibly underserved demographic. When I look for Blue Blood appropriate subject matter which is new, Twilight and Adam Lambert are two of the only things on the radar there. The Twilight soundtrack has been in the Billboard top 10 for twenty-two weeks now. Carter Burwell’s freaking score for Twilight entered the Billboard charts five weeks ago and is still hanging in there. So, if MSNBC doesn’t see the relation between Adam Lambert and Twilight and what a lot of people would like to . . .

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  • 11:04 @youngsoulrebel Andi Sexgang on testosterone perhaps sounds more alluring than it is #
  • 11:05 @ForrestBlack They should not be allowed to call it Kitchen24 if it is not open 24 hours. #
  • 11:08 Graffiti castle fun facts to know and share #
  • 11:40 Clint Catalyst Birthday Party #
  • 11:41 Awesome Woody Harrelson Zombie Recognition!!! I am so using this excuse from now on! #
  • 19:46 @lamaupin Wild Kingdom! #
  • 04:42 @ForrestBlack Fish! #
  • 04:54 I deeply wish I were still asleep. Going to eat leftover sole, artichoke, and maybe asparagus and see if that send me back to the sandman. #
  • 04:55 Songkran Ultimate Water Gun #
  • 05:09 @dianacage Yay! Glad Amazon took care of you. Wrong for people not to be able to find that book & it's not coming up on Harry Potter search #
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Songkran Ultimate Water Gun

Songkran Ultimate Water Gun

by Amelia G : April 13th, 2009

songkran ultimate water gunI live about half a block from the main Thai area in Hollywood, so I can get delicious Thai food at 2am in the morning. Which is awesome for someone like me who keeps vampire hours most of the time. This also means I was able to walk to the Curry Festival a couple of weeks ago. Today marks the beginning of Thai New Year, known as Songkran.

I wish I had realized earlier that Songkran was coming up as the Thai holiday is celebrated with socializing, spring cleaning, and throwing water at other people. Originally, the water was apparently intended to be spiritually cleansing as it was what was used for spring cleaning the Buddha statues. The young could observe the holiday by sprinkling water which was thus blessed and perhaps lightly scented on the hands of respected elders. Today, the fun aspect of dowsing others with water is emphasized and people of all ages head outdoors to fire water guns at one another. This means one should be conscious, while dripping wet, of a sense of personal renewal.

Songkran actually runs through April 15, so there might still be time to get or make the perfect water gun. A gentleman named John Young has designed The Ultimate Water Gun (pictured) using a fire extinguisher and a motorcycle . . .

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Awesome Woody Harrelson Zombie Recognition

Awesome Woody Harrelson Zombie Recognition

by Amelia G : April 11th, 2009

André Freitas special fx artist for ZombielandHave you ever felt you should get a pass for misbehaving because of your extensive zombie experience? Heck, we’ve all felt that way. But Woody Harrelson is doing something about it, with his tried and true Mistaken for a Zombie Gambit. Allow me to illustrate.

Forrest Black and I photographed special effects artist André Freitas (pictured) in his AFX Studios by Atlanta, Georgia for a feature in Skin Two. At the time, his most current project was developing a scary wrestler character. His most recent project has been makeup on the scary special effects for a movie called Zombieland. The movie is directed by Ruben Fleischer and written by Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese who previously worked together on the Joe Schmo show. Although Zombieland reportedly just wrapped filming, it is still technically in development, so the final cast list is still more rumor than confirmed. For sure, André Freitas’ special makeup effect must have been really damn scary.

It is known that Woody Harrelson is in the Zombieland movie. According to IMDB, Woody Harrelson plays a character named Albuquerque. According to the Sony Pictures publicity department, Zombieland will not be in theaters until a Halloween-ready release of October 9, 2009, but they believe Woody Harrelson plays a character named Tallahassee. It seems a safe bet that Woody Harrelson is at least somewhat in a movie called Zombieland . . .

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Clint Catalyst Birthday Party

Clint Catalyst Birthday Party

by Amelia G : April 11th, 2009

Clint Catalyst Amelia G Birthday PartyClint Catalyst has written for,, Permission, America’s Next Top Model, and a generally surreal assortment of publications. Manic D Press published a collection of his fiction called Cottonmouth Kisses. In partnership with Michelle Tea, he also edited the critically-acclaimed Chills, Pills, Thrills, and Heartache, which featured a fiction piece by yours truly.

Clint Catalyst celebrated his birthday this past weekend at Los Angeles’ Bootie Shake mash-up night at the Echoplex. Rony Alwin had a photo booth set up in the VIP area sectioned off for Clint Catalyst’s guests and he shot the little thumb here of yours truly and the birthday boy. (Yes, it was a lil warm inside the nightclub.) You can see a whole gallery of the photos at his web site Rony’s Photo Booth. Clint Catalyst’s well-wishers included a predictable assortment of the creative and fabulous. Luminaries in attendance included Sonja Teri of Swindle magazine, designer Tarina Tarantino, actors Tony Ward and Kat Turner, producer Suren M. Seron, spooky musicians including Luke van der Luke, Yvette Lera, Romak from Romak & the Space Pirates, and Tina Root of Switchblade Symphony fame, currently working on Tre Lux and Quiet Halo, and writer/director Matthew Mishory . . .

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Easter Egg Castle Fully Re-Opens to Public Today

Easter Egg Castle Fully Re-Opens to Public Today

by Amelia G : April 12th, 2009

graffiti castle kelburnThe Kelburn Castle and Estate fully opens to the public on Easter and maintains regular hours from Easter until November second. Although Kelburn Castle has many historical and architectural features of interest, the aspect people tend to find most notable is the graffiti-covered portion.

A couple of years ago, it was determined that parts of the concrete rendering were probably going to need to be replaced in the relatively near future. Concrete rendering or plastering is the surface placed on the outside of stone or brick walls for a combination of weatherproofing and texture. In this case the harling or pebbledash was applied to the walls primarily because soft sandstone requires careful weatherproofing to last. David and Alice Boyle, the children of the tenth and current Earl of Glasgow, thought it might be fun to use upcoming renovations as an opportunity to have famous graffiti artists paint a portion of the castle.

So the family commissioned a team of Brazilian painters called Nina and Nunca and the duo Os Gemeos or, translated from Portuguese, The Twins, who are known for their yellow figures and ability to garner establishment regard for what some might view as vandalism. This team of four graffiti artists were invited to do their thang on a castle wall legally, instead of guerrilla style. MTV competition-winning audiovisual artist and music festival scenester luminary Elliot Thomson of Preamptive and the multi-pronged . . .

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009


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Friday, April 10, 2009



by Amelia G : April 10th, 2009

gia paloma easter bunny julie simoneApparently, ineffable is one of the most searched for words on the internet today. This is entertaining because it is ironic that someone should search for the meaning of a word which means that which has meaning which can not be expressed.

I think ineffable is one of those words which comes up around a holiday like Easter, as folks bust out scripture, while being a bit fuzzy on what the bunnies mean. So, as a service to the community, we thought we’d help everyone out with, not the nine billion names of G-d, but at least the ten most useful definitions of ineffable.

Ineffable is . . .

1. incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible: ineffable joy. (Random House)

2. not to be spoken because of its sacredness; unutterable: the ineffable name of the deity. (Random House)

3. Incapable of being expressed; indescribable or unutterable. Unspeakable. (The American Heritage Dictionary)

4. Not to be uttered; taboo: the ineffable name of G-d. (The American Heritage Dictionary)

5. defying expression or description; “indefinable yearnings”; “indescribable beauty”; “ineffable ecstasy”; “inexpressible anguish”; “unspeakable happiness”; “unutterable contempt”; “a thing of untellable splendor” (Princeton’s WordNet)

6. too sacred to be uttered; “the ineffable name of the Deity” (Princeton’s WordNet)

7. Incapable of being expresses in words; unspeakable; unutterable; indescribable; as, the ineffable joys of heaven. (Webster’s Dictionary)

8. That cannot be described, incommunicable, indefinable, indescribable, inexpressible, undescribable, unutterable (Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus)

9. too great . . .

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  • 15:10 @JaysonElliot It's like a rule that you have to eat at least some press junket food if it is there #
  • 15:15 Blue Blood in Star pic Tweet from @ForrestBlack Wk went by fast/surreal Overdue for breakfast Need to get fired up #
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Thursday, April 09, 2009


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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Blue Blood in Star Magazine

Star Magazine

by Amelia G : April 8th, 2009

Adam Lambert Star MagazineWhoo-hoo! Agent Aeon just alerted me about being on the cover of Star Magazine this week. A few days ago, a charming editor from Star (who knew they had nice peeps over there?) contacted me about the sexy blue photos Forrest Black and I shot of Adam Lambert. He also interviewed me about my impression of Adam Lambert, formed while shooting him at a Blue Blood-sponsored event, that I wanted Adam Lambert to win American Idol, etc. Mostly, we talked about Led Zeppelin (both fans, although only he has a Zoso tattoo) and booze (for excess, he prefers red wine and I prefer beer, he likes Pabst Blue Ribbon, I like Stella Artois, and we both like Shiner Bock.) I knew there was going to be a feature in Star, but I didn’t realize it was going to be a cover feature.

I am really happy, just tickled pink to have photography in Star without adjusting shooting style at all. The photographic work that Forrest Black I produce is very much about shooting individuals who, whether or not they are famous outside of their immediate circle of acquaintance, have enormous star quality with an alternative unusual aesthetic. Even in a room full of sparkling people, Adam Lambert shines extra bright. The night we photographed him, there were actually people who were pissy that Forrest Black and I took our time with someone . . .

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  • 01:30 Even when only seeing the top selects of thousands, going through hundreds of model submissions is an agonizing painful process. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Monday, April 06, 2009

This is sexy.

Just about every major video company has pitched me to make video for them. They just do not understand that this is what I think is sexy:

Blue Blood
(Image Courtesy of Blue Blood)

Blue Blood
(Image Courtesy of Blue Blood)

The first company to give me creative freedom and a budget and creative goals like this and I'll be pleased to make something hot for them.

More reasonably SFW or at any rate non-nude Tudors pics on Blue Blood


  • 17:03 @fakerockchick so easy to find something like the Prodigy video now and so hard when it came out, it was like this crazy unprovable rumor #
  • 17:04 Just listed myself in the local Twitter directory in ZIP 90046 #
  • 17:08 Late night Ordered delivery bar food 4 breakfast. Feel like it should've come w/beer Had coffee Going to get another coffee w/@ForrestBlack #
  • 06:44 Sexy paintings style gallery of The Tudors from Showtime #
  • 07:00 BleeryOffJumpy. Didn't really intend to be up now. Drink filter water. 2 watch ATHF TiVo got me w/o me asking & 2 sleep. #1 in the hood, G. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Sunday, April 05, 2009

The Tudors

The Tudors

by Amelia G : April 5th, 2009

Tudors Showtime Jonathan Rhys Meyers Natalie DormerThe Tudors from Showtime has season one and season two out on DVD and season three starts today. You can view the first episode of the new Showtime season for free at this special link, albeit with one scene involving breasts blurred out. I’m assuming you all already know where to find delightful breasts anyway. If you watch the free episode of The Tudors, you will see a “previously on The Tudors” segment which, if you did not pay attention in eighth grade history, will contain spoilers.

Although show creator and writer Michael Hirst takes some creative license with the back stories for specific lesser-known characters, most of the plotline is set by history, so the really fascinating aspects of the show are how it explores the nature of power conflicts and how visually stunning the whole thing is. The Tudors highlights that King Henry the VIII’s efforts to, not only support the Reformation, but practically claim Protestantism as his own creation, was largely a matter of asserting his kingly power. King Henry wanted, as king, to be able to marry whomever he pleased and it did not hurt that looting the churches of England would be helpful for the sovereign’s war chest. Some characters, such as the queen’s minstrel Mark Smeaton, played by David Alpay, are embellished beyond what history knows about him, but it all serves to make the story very compelling watching and to explore how different people use different tools at their disposal to grapple for what they want.

This is all played out against beautiful scenery with impossibly sumptuous Tudor costumes, all selected to express both the individuality of the characters and the time period. The outfits are so impressive that the wardrobe and costuming team lead by Joan Bergin won an Emmy for an episode in season one and another Emmy for an episode in season two. One detail of the costuming which is inaccurate is that men in Tudor England wore tremendous codpieces to emphasize their manly packages. According to Joan Bergin in The Tudors: Royal Stylemakers, this was deemed likely to be too distracting to modern viewers. We do know how much modern viewers fear the cock. I wish folks would get over that, but the outfits in The Tudors are so lush and gorgeous that I covet them every episode for everyone I know. I would surely appreciate an invite from anyone who wants to hook me up with a private studio sale of costumes used on The Tudors. I will totally start dressing like either a dude or a chick from the 1500’s.

Tudors Showtime Jonathan Rhys Meyers Natalie DormerKing Henry VIII is played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Since the first time I saw him, I have thought Jonathan Rhys Meyers is simply one of the best looking men who ever lived. On first meeting Jonathan Rhys Meyers, my brother commented . . .

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  • 14:29 @charliejane ha, ha, sad statement on the times, meh fiction should totally be a new genre category. #
  • 14:31 @raquelita NY drug stores may be fancy. Anything with ceramic. Sometimes a curling iron pulled straight works better than straightener 4 me #
  • 14:32 @Fatty_D Seriously, wtf was up with all the police sirens last night? & yes, it is weird to b ignored by anyone you slept w/ camera or not #
  • 14:33 @BellaVendetta66 Yay! Bella's exciting shaved pussy!#
  • 14:36 @Richard_Kadrey Go progress. Do you know how to run a still, as well as write fabulously? #
  • 18:04 @SydBlakovich Pants are overrated. #
  • 18:08 Test says I have same personality type as Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Dennis Hopper, John Cusack, & Ross Perot #
  • 18:34 @brainhound Entertaining assortment. What is your new career? I'm apparently going into politics or acting. #
  • 18:37 Freshened hair dye & deep conditioning now. Way overdue. So many act like I exist to serve their vanity that don't take enough time for self #
  • 23:19 @ChadSavage Could it be picking up a weird keyword filter in the headers? Had that happen and was mystified before figuring it out. #
  • 23:19 Going out on the town. Hair dye day has been very successful for all involved. Punk rock. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Friday, April 03, 2009

Blow Art - Serena Toxicat Interview

Blow Art - Serena Toxicat Interview

by Amelia G : April 4th, 2009

serena toxicat blowBlue Blood hottie Serena Toxicat recently mentioned that she would be showing thirty of her art pieces at the Blow Gallery in Berkely, California. If you are in that neck of the woods, you can stop by 2112 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 for an evening of hotties like Serena Toxicat, art, and possibly some free booze. Most gallery shows have free booze. I try not to examine why too closely. Here you can examine the conversation Serena Toxicat and I just had about art.

Amelia G: What first got you into creating? Were you always creative?

Serena Toxicat: Apparently as a 5 year-old my painting looked like pointillism. My 1st grade art teacher raved about the stuff. After my dad saw how much I liked to color and paint, his best friend bought me a set of acrylics and I never looked back, except to kick my own ass to make more. I do so many things in the world of art and performance that my productivity in any one area tends to ebb and flow.

Amelia G: What are your favorite media to create in and how to you feel writing vs. visual arts compare for expressing yourself?

Serena Toxicat: I love acrylic and just developed a system whereby I draw in marker over an acrylic base. I also like making sculpture with found objects and occasionally indulge in photography. I made . . .

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Trent Reznor Needs Sheryl Crow’s Phone Number

Trent Reznor Needs Sheryl Crow’s Phone Number

by Amelia G : April 3rd, 2009

NIN Strobelight Trent Reznor TimbalandOkay, I’d like to take this opportunity to make a public service announcement. Trent Reznor announced that he was giving away free downloads of his new Strobelight album, produced by Timbaland, on April first. This seemed both hilarious and topical as Blue Blood has covered goth-industrial music since 1992 and even the Blue Blood precursor BLT ::: Black Leather Times had press coverage in that vein.

Although the email collection form on the Nine Inch Nails site did not request any financial information, did bear the statement, “Your credit card will be charged $18.98 plus a $10 digital delivery convenience fee.” Apparently there are a lot of savvy consumers out there because, after we posted the feature and told Blue Blood’s sixty thousand close personal MySpace friends about the NIN article and opportunity for the download, we were deluged with messages and emails from angry consumers.

It seems that a lot of you are able to figure out from the fine print that you may not be getting a free lunch. You are apparently not capable, however, of reading a calendar. Allow me to repeat my previous statement with needed emphasis: Trent Reznor announced that he was giving away free downloads of his new Strobelight album, produced by Timbaland, on April first. The Strobelight album download announcement was an April Fool’s joke and I thought it was an awfully witty one . . .

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  • 11:30 Getting Pink's with @ForrestBlack #
  • 12:14 Yuck. Skooby's next time. Pink's is disgusting now. Undercooked and getting orders wrong. #
  • 14:29 @Fatty_D Mmmm, I know, right, what was I thinking eating grody Pink's when I could have headed home and had Skooby's? #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Download Nine Inch Nails Strobelight Free

Download Nine Inch Nails Strobelight Free

by Amelia G : April 1st, 2009

NIN Strobelight Trent Reznor TimbalandTrent Reznor announced today that his whole new album Strobelight is available for download on the Nine Inch Nails web site. The following song list contains a who’s who of people who guest on other people’s tracks.

track list:

1. intro skit
2. everybody’s doing it (featuring chris martin, jay-z AND bono)
3. black t-shirt
4. pussygrinder (featuring sheryl crow)
5. coffin on the dancefloor
6. this rhythm is infected
7. slide to the dark side
8. even closer (featuring justin timberlake and maynard james keenan)
9. on the list (she’s not)
10. clap trap crack slap
11. laid, paid and played (featuring fergie of the black eyed peas and al jourgensen)
12. feel like being dead again
13. still hurts (featuring alicia keys)
14. outro skit

Here are the instructions from the NIN site to get your absolutely free free free goth-industrial album via download, before it is available anywhere else:

To download NIN’s new full-length album Strobe Light, PRODUCED BY TIMBALAND, enter a valid email address . . . A download link will be sent to you immediately. Your credit card will be charged $18.98 plus a $10 digital delivery convenience fee. Your files will arrive as windows media files playable on quite a few players with . . .

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