Tuesday, April 14, 2009


  • 11:04 @youngsoulrebel Andi Sexgang on testosterone perhaps sounds more alluring than it is #
  • 11:05 @ForrestBlack They should not be allowed to call it Kitchen24 if it is not open 24 hours. #
  • 11:08 Graffiti castle fun facts to know and share tinyurl.com/dyfver #
  • 11:40 Clint Catalyst Birthday Party tinyurl.com/cvzwm6 #
  • 11:41 Awesome Woody Harrelson Zombie Recognition!!! www.blueblood.net/2009/04/zombieland/ I am so using this excuse from now on! #
  • 19:46 @lamaupin Wild Kingdom! #
  • 04:42 @ForrestBlack Fish! #
  • 04:54 I deeply wish I were still asleep. Going to eat leftover sole, artichoke, and maybe asparagus and see if that send me back to the sandman. #
  • 04:55 Songkran Ultimate Water Gun tinyurl.com/ckq3kk #
  • 05:09 @dianacage Yay! Glad Amazon took care of you. Wrong for people not to be able to find that book & it's not coming up on Harry Potter search #
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