Monday, April 20, 2009


  • 17:09 @kumimonster Heated bathroom floor does sound like a pretty ideal luxury for a cold climate #
  • 17:11 @qDot Yeah, why is it so hard to find a 3d mesh of Hello Kitty's head when you really need it? Ask myself that all the time ;-p #
  • 17:19 Got up hours ago, but having trouble getting it up to start my day. Coffee better be the answer. #
  • 19:20 I just added myself to Twitter Directory under #blogger #photographer #writer #
  • 19:57 @V6ughn I just started watching that show turning on TV in middle of the night. Not animated, but loved the look copying episode. #
  • 00:14 @BillyAntiseptic Pics or it didn't happen ;-p #
  • 00:24 @SydBlakovich Michael Phelps tribute fitting for the date #
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