Tuesday, April 21, 2009


  • 11:47 You know the economy is bad when Mercedes commercials start sounding like Crazy Eddie. (Yes, I'm making all ancient commercial refs this wk) #
  • 13:49 Naked Girls Smoking Weed - Best of 420 Girls tinyurl.com/d72v7y (This link SFW, but links in article NSFW) #
  • 13:50 BlueBlood VIP Site Passes 100k Photos tinyurl.com/dyppb2 (This link SFW, but links in article NSFW) #
  • 14:16 @digitalArtform Eep. Which link is broken? It seems like they work on my end. #
  • 14:25 @SydBlakovich Cleanses pass (if you'll excuse the word choice), but you will annihilate in the ring & can reward with yummies after #
  • 15:24 Superna - The 420 Interview tinyurl.com/crtjhl #
  • 19:13 California v. Superna goes up in smoke tinyurl.com/dfa3b9 Thanks, Gram! #
  • 19:19 BlueBlood: Superna Interviewed About Pot Bust tinyurl.com/c2nncl Thanks, Cutter! #
  • 19:20 RIP J G Ballard tinyurl.com/dc76pu #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood