Wednesday, April 22, 2009


  • 13:54 OG Blue Blood magazine covergirl Cherry Jason and Ledgrey #
  • 17:51 Ben and Jerry’s FREE ICE CREAM #
  • 17:53 @duckydoo If you saved $8,400 a year, wouldn't that give you more security and be able to cover most medical procedures likely over time? #
  • 17:58 @aagblog Was never motivated to watch American Idol before. Hope Adam Lambert wins & not just cause I shot him #
  • 18:03 @duckydoo Doctor's visit for serious top professional specialist, med school prof level is $500 max & if your $, don't need permission. #
  • 21:57 @EssinEm What do you like to drink? #
  • 21:59 @janejett Where ya going? #
  • 00:09 @janejett Visit or moving? #
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