Sunday, April 19, 2009


  • 18:06 @funkatron Been meaning to watch that. And here I just canceled my Netflix. #
  • 18:07 @xianvox RT Wow. I want to look this rad at 100 years old: #
  • 18:14 I was really hoping to work Fri 12noon until 6:30am & then have to start Saturday with server issues for B2B site Not even an iced latte yet #
  • 18:43 @almostevil If the fax in here would automatically give me quality coffee when anyone on Twitter wanted to buy me a drink, that would rule. #
  • 19:27 Wish I had paper towels to go w/turkey bologna & iced latte/banana & realized bought in bulk last time. Am I grown-up or what for planning! #
  • 23:52 @lamaupin You Napa-izing, lucky girl? #
  • 00:29 @DaveMora I would so go to WxWW 2010 if it had panels! I would bring my own A/C. #
  • 00:33 BlueBlood VIP over 100k Too tuckered out for eyeliner, but going out now. Miller time. #
  • 00:44 Stella/microbrew 4 me, not Miller. Miller time is time of reward after hard day's work-from 70's/80's commercials. Blue Blood founded 1992. #
  • 02:32 Back home. Going to eat Tofutti Cutie (lime/vanilla). Watch History of Violence (if good). Sleep (hopefully). #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood