Thursday, April 23, 2009


  • 09:21 @SinnamonLove Sweets for the sweet ;-p #
  • 09:23 If I Can’t Have You, I Don’t Want Nobody, Baby or It’s Like Studio 57 Up in Here #
  • 13:34 @digitalArtform How were you a Clio judge at such a young age? #
  • 16:11 @clintcatalyst Happy birthday redux #
  • 16:13 @digitalArtform I don't think anyone but Idol's Kara DioGuardi has ever been to the Studio 57 in her mind: #
  • 16:20 Who can confuse Saturday Night Fever with SNL? #
  • 16:23 @THE_REAL_SHAQ RT: If you don't play your best against your opponent, you are disrespecting them. Bill russell #
  • 16:23 @THE_REAL_SHAQ RT : How can u b an expert without legitimate knowledge or legitimate experience Shaq oneal #
  • 00:31 Ya know how sometimes reservations printed out, suitcases packed, deadlines met, TiVo set & just can't shake feeling like something is off? #
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