Sunday, January 26, 2003

Came back from Melrose and Retail Slut and intended to jump right on the computer and work on stuff for Swag Went to karaoke at a local establishment first instead. Very disturbing. However, damn, Michelle Rodriguez is even hotter in person than she is on screen. And she is pretty hot on screen. A certain lead singer and I were all checking out her ass filling out the butt cleavage jeans. In real life, that girl has awesome style and presence too. When she first came up and said cheers, she thought I said my name was Millionaire, but we both agreed that Amelia is much better. She said anyone named Millionare would be too materialistic, at least for her. I think anyone rocking that name would probably be both materialistic and failing at it. Or else they'd have to have really odd parents.

--Amelia G