Saturday, January 18, 2003

Time to get ready to go out for a fab night on the town, filled with fabulous people hugging me delightedly and then hitting me up for something free for them and expensive and time-consuming for me. I can hardly wait. Actually, I was supposed to be out the door two and three quarter hours ago. So I guess I can wait.

I feel so overworked, I swear just picking up a contact sheet and a loupe makes BLOOD SPURT FROM MY EYES. I found a new source I may be able to use for my darkroom work, but I still need to find a new source for inspiration and support and some fucking reminder or why I bother doing any of this.

I can't tell if I have social anxiety or a perfectly valid set of reasons to entirely change what I do for social anything. Unfortunately for me, I believe in Skinnerian conditioning. Thus, so long as I believe it might just be anxiety, I force myself to go.

Q: Would you rather go clubbing or put a nail through your hand?
A: What kind of nail?

--Amelia G