Saturday, January 18, 2003

One of the things I love most about living in Los Angeles is getting to see bands which are not on tour and bands which would normally play big halls doing club shows. I got to see Love/Hate play last night and I've never seen them play before. I met the new members of Apocalypse Theatre and told Hope that they were the only reason I actually dragged my ass out last night. Which was true. Ran into Barely Evil's Lyric S. Not who is sporting cute pink dreads now. Saw Evelyne from Flesh for Eve who has a show coming up I hope I can make it to. Ran into my girl from Tattoo Savage who reminded my ass to send her some stuff. I was also happy to see Kerri from Dead Girls and TC and Tim and a bunch of other people. After I introduced Hope to the billionth person, she was like you sure know a lot of people for claiming to never go out. Which I guess is true. One of the weirdest things about living in LA is that there is always something going on, so I can go out what would be a lot for another city and have it seem like I am a shut-in for LA because I would still miss so much. Too many things going on this weekend to choose. Gonna try to do them all. Ran into the singer from Kettle Cadavar who gave me a video which he promised me would include footage of his cock. Saw Joey Strange for the first time in a while and he didn't recognize me at first. He said he'd just never seen me outside of fetish events and I was like oh take off the corset and you don't know me. He pointed out that my hair is different as well as what I would wear to a rock show. Which is all true. Although he recognized Forrest out of leather. Joey told me about a performance he's got coming up, but his friend was telling me that he has a chow mix and a labrador mix and I want a dog so bad, so I only processed that he was going to be suspended while wearing a gas mask and listening to a song called "Soldier Boy." Went to an afterparty but only for a little while. An ex of the host had just been bounced before we showed up with the Apox crew, so it was a little weird until he realized they were with us. I get to meet Hope's dog tomorrow. Whoo-hoo!
