Friday, January 17, 2003

I've been trying out this LJ thing for a while and I can't figure out whether it is making me more sociable or less. I think the internet in general has allowed me to be in touch with more people, but overall I think it has made everyone including me go out at night less often.

The first time I ever came to Los Angeles was during the heyday of the Sunset Strip. I thought a lot of the guys were rocking overly similar looks and that year a lot of the girls were wearing these skintight neon neoprene outfits that I was not that into, but I still found a few tasty folks to hook up with and had all sorts of adventures. I walked to the Strip from UCLA in my torn up and laced back together jeans and my painstakingly decorated leather jacket and there was a place to go and see and be seen and just hang out. I couldn't afford the $12 cover charges, although I spent one once or twice anyway. But there was still a reason to get dressed up and paint the town red.

Now I am on the guest list all over town, but it just seems easier to dye my hair and jump on the internet looking for human contact without leaving the house. Healthy healthy.

--Amelia G