Saturday, January 18, 2003

Marilyn Manson magazine on ebay, Mature Audiences instructions

Marilyn Manson and Marylin Star New Rave

This time of year is so weird. I had a few copies of the Marilyn Manson and Marylin Star issue of New Rave which I've auctioned off. That issue, even in imperfect condition, has gone for a bunch, but it has zero bids on it now.

If anyone wants to snap it up super cheap you can go directly to the auction at or view all of my auctions at With ebay "mature" auctions, you need to log in -- even if you are already logged into ebay -- and then click to accept their mature audiences TOS and then click over a second time to the naughty auction. Gotta protect innocent eyes. This auction is also private, so your bid will not appear where anyone can see it.

--Amelia G