Saturday, January 18, 2003

Got to Bar Sinister in time to catch all of Apocalypse Theatre's set. I wish they had played all originals because V. writes such awesome songs, but their show was very well-received. Unfortunately their CDs from Invisible had not arrived yet because of slow ass Xmas mail. A bunch of their new members definitely add some eye candy. I was scared the new fire girl was going to set me and everyone else on fire and it looked like security was concerned about the same thing, but she looked cute doing it. Was annoyed to find yet another person ripping off one of my photographs without credit or compensation. It has been a few years since I sued someone in any particularly dramatic way, but I really think the assholes are playing Russian roulette these days with me. One of them is just going to get caught on the wrong day and I am going to get medieval on them. My dad just recommended a local firm one of his classmates from Harvard is with, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. It is harder to find a good attorney than a good dentist. Wished Apox and everyone safe passage home and headed out early to head over to Kerry's birthday party at Dave Schow's Black Lagoon. Was worried about showing up so late, but happily Maria showed up five minutes after we did. She had to do a reading of her work at the red and black ball on Melrose earlier that night and was wearing this red and black lace dress with a cool black leather corset. It was really cool to get to hang out with a more intimate group at the end and talk about cabbages and kings. Kerry had three birthday cakes, but I only tried the white one. White cake with white chocolate and cream and jam layers and icing. Mostly I nibbled on cheese and cherry tomatoes though. So virtuous. Num, num. Nathan showed us some cool body builder nudie mags and these Japanese magazines which cover this all female theater. I forget the name of it, but women play both male and female roles in it and, let me tell you, if you find K. D. Lang hot, then you will see some cuties here.

--Amelia G