Saturday, January 18, 2003

HOB=so not punk; valet, tippable bathroom attendants & a room people pay $3,000 for access to (I've always gotten in free 'cause I'm just so darn cool.)

In fact went to see Social D tonight. Seeing shows in Los Angeles at the House of Blues is kind of not punk rock enough for an event like that. I kept thinking how incredible that show would have been at the old 930 Club in DC where you could have a real pit. I'm pretty teeny, so I used to be a champion crowd surfer. House of Blues normally throws out anyone who moshes, slams, crowd surfs, stage dives etc. Although Jonny "Two Bags" Wickersham denied any knowledge of this, I think Social D actually had a special rider of some sort where audience members were warned once to stop and not thrown out unless they did it again.

So I'm being all suave at the Social D reserved table on the balconey. Only I was hungry so I ordered the catfish nuggets as well as some water. I know how to stage dive, but I sure don't know how to eat sit down food at a concert. So the catfish nuggets gave me a stomach ache and I was sitting there swallowing Pepcid caplets and then I dropped my water in my lap. Suave all right!

Forrest Black says he thinks he would like House of Blues better if he were older and physically incapable of getting into a real pit. Personally the show made me feel a thousand years old. Mike Ness pulled the three youngest kids in the audience up on stage and gave a really moving speech about the old school and the new school and leaving a legacy, having had a reason for having lived. For a moment, I kind of wanted to be the busty thirteen-year-old with the mohawk who was so completely in the head space of being at the show. How did I get from wearing ripped jeans and used combat boots and cheap lingeries and getting covered with sweat at shows to sitting on the balconey embarressing myself by soaking my Mandy Black Blest shirt, Betsy Johnson skirt, and New Rocks? It was a really fun show though. It reminded me of a lot of what excited me about this stuff in the first place. Anyway, here is a happy shout out to Jonny, Brandise, and Jeremy for the hook-up for a fun show. :-) Afterwards, we went to a friend's studio and just chilled for a while.

Now I need to settle down to get some sleep.

--Amelia G