Wednesday, January 22, 2003

So, I must have been feeling the rumblings of some sort of psychic premonition of doom. The day after I duplicated my LJ to Blogger, LJ suspended my journal for a month because someone with a site which thinks it is competitive with one of mine basically complained that I exist. Apparently LJ has a rule that you can not link to a site which pulls in revenue or could potentially pull in revenue of any kind. This means that if you have a personal site with a cam on it and you accept paypal tips, then linking to it is an LJ no-no. This means that if you work for a big company, you can not link your job. Does not matter that it is part of what you do on a daily basis, it is against the rules. I feel that everyone is entitled to make their own rules, but the thing which is really rotten about LJ's rules is that they are only enforced when someone complains. This basically means that a person such as me could behave in a manner totally consistent with how everyone else in the community is behaving, but just one envious person can get your diary shut down by complaining. Because everyone is in violation, you are always at risk. I sure would be a lot more upset about this if not for the fact that (1) I had just backed almost everything up and (2) the reason they wanted to nuke my journal was to prevent me from announcing the really exciting new project I've got going on.

And you know that when the haters are making an extra effort, then you must be doing well. :-)