Saturday, January 18, 2003

The night is yet young

Just went out to Bar Sinister and saw Dead Girls play a good show.

Last night I was supposed to go out to a new club and pick up new Blue Blood T-shirts with are by the talented Trevor Brown but I fell asleep instead. Of course, prior to that, my trainer cut our workout short because I turned all cold and ghostly white. I guess it is going to take a while to get in the shape I want to be in.

Why is it so like pulling teeth to get myself to go out at night, when it is usually fun? Only two people hit me up for stuff which would be free for them and expensive and time-consuming for me tonight. Whoo-hoo! Off to an after-party momentarily, so the night is yet young and perhaps there will be more. Just had to come home for an internet fix. I could quit any time I wanted though. I quit drinking coffee a couple of weeks ago. At least for the time-being.

--Amelia G