Thursday, December 30, 2004

Vegas, Baby, Vegas

I am so not ready for Vegas. Last year, I had this whole little itinerary of what parties were being thrown by who and when. Oddly, this year, I was invited to the one party I really wanted an invite to last year that I didn't get. A lot of the stuff I wanted to hit last year I missed and I ended up going to a lot of other cool stuff, so it will all pan out I'm sure.

Feeling a little stressed anyway. Trying to get ready while I am hobbling around. Getting pretty good with either one crutch or no crutches though, just still using the brace.

If you are on my friends list and will be in Vegas, please let me know.

I have to go get help picking up my car now. It need fucking $1,000 dollars in upkeep stuff. Damn it. That will teach me to never ever change the oil.

Monday, December 27, 2004


I've managed to do a bit of Igor style walking with no crutches and a lot of walking with one crutch.

Just finished doing some contracty work stuff which I am really happy to check off my to do list. HUGE thank you to Kumi, Darenzia, Julie Simone, and everyone who gave me input!

Done about a billion errandy things now that I am more mobile. Feeling much more caught up and super optimistic about the new year. Still have tons more to do before I leave for Vegas. I thought about cancelling the New Year's portion of my trip because I was worried about my foot, but sometimes ya just have to say what the heck. Also, the reservations were semi-nonrefundable and I thought it would be obnoxious to cancel the beginning of my trip after going medieval on my travel agent for screwing up the end of my trip. Needless to say, she fixed it, so I figure she deserves the commission even if I just chill in my room.

Does anyone know a good nonelectronic way to send payments to people in Europe?

I am so looking forward to seeing so many friends in Sin City. I hope I can still tear it up okay. I need to buy new shoes. Hoping I get doc's approval to wear a shoe on my right foot instead of this freaking giant medical appliance. I know I should have decorated it or something, but that just seemed to smack of pessimism.

Off to take a salt bath. My skin has so suffered while I was laid off and deserves a bit of extra TLC now.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Thursday, December 23, 2004


Four hours of three different medical offices. And now I get to deal with the travel agent who fucked up my Vegas reservations.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Whisper Whisper

Just for the record, I think the backstabbing and secretive trash talkers who made a site like Fetish Gossip happen have only themselves to blame. However, I think it is just dandy that Scott Church posts naked photos of himself. When I am World Dictator, far more guys will post personal nudes to the internet. Unlike a lot of people who think they are fetish photographers (or whatever term is trendy this week) I shoot my own vision and I shoot both men and women. People need to get over their FEAR OF THE COCK.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Damn It

My ankle hurts and I am hungry and my email has been down all day.


My ankle really hurts and I'm hungry.

I went out on the town tonight

Tonight I went out again despite the crutches. Wow, is crutching around in the Hollywood Hills not the easiest, but it was a friend's birthday, so I had to go and it was fun to get out. The hostess and Forrest and a writer pal of mine made sure I was a-ok and people were actually super-considerate. Ankle really aches now, but hopefully it will still prove healthy enough to ditch the crutches when I go back to the doctor next week. Here are a few pix from my evening. More at this link. If you appear in any of the pictures, please feel free to repost them in your own journal or personal free site unaltered.

It took me longer than it should have to realize that two of the fun shirtless young circuit-looking boys were actually twins, rather than one really active guy. Kudos to the birthday girl for turning the tables on the usual ratios at Hollywood parties.

The birthday girl and my super helpful friend at lesbian o'clock. Pajama time.

Forrest and longtime pal and editor of I had them give me the serious men of the world pose. They were somewhat agreeable about it.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Up Down Up Down Up Down

Fuck but I feel like I've aged a bunch in the past year. I just feel so old and brittle. Who the fuck takes seven or eight months for a sprain to heal or two months and counting for a tiny little fucking broken bone? I meant to make a doctor's appointment today, but I was in sort of a brain fog and the day just slipped away. I'm sick of being either low blood sugar or feverish. None of the stupid elimination diets work. I get new xrays in a bit over a week and please please please let them show that I can start walking again.

I'm feeling really happy about a bunch of personal stuff. Pleased with my work progress. Eager to hang out with my friends. Looking forward to travel. Super optimistic about the prospects for 2005.

How can I feel so horrible physically but pretty good emotionally and psychologically?

There are just so many little errands I need to run that I can't. I've got a check in a stamped and addressed envelope I want to mail on my desk and I have to wait for someone else to do it for me. Little stuff like that is driving me nuts. I've only been getting groceries like once a week and I'm constantly pissed off at some little thing I can't just go pick up. My skin is all aggravated from the stress and I know I'm putting some pounds on being so immobilized. I figure it is better to gain weight and have my ankle heal now than the avoid the nutrition I need so I don't gain weight but not heal either. But I'm going to need new clothes soon and I won't be able to drive myself.

I feel like I'm on such a roller-coaster. I think about my writing and my photography and my loved ones and I'm so happy. I think about my physical health and I think I should be put down like a horse with a broken . . . err . . . ankle. Neigh.


I wonder what Scar was telling me just as Forrest snapped this shot. It was a bit of an adventure clubbing on crutches, but she and Forrest took good care of me.

More pictures with less fog at

I Miss the Zine Explosion

I just meant to post this photo and I shot of Gen from The Genitorturers in a community. Only I ended up writing a lot more about the background of how the shot came to be than I'd set out to.

Just been thinking a lot lately about how the internet was supposed to make it so everybody had access to get their words out. When desktop publishing came along, it permitted all sorts of people, including yours truly, to put their views and aesthetics out there in ways previously mostly available only to the megarich. It seems like a disproporionately small number of internet sites are really publications though. It is harder to get good people to contribute to online magazines than print ones too. Sure, ten million people will see their words or photos instead of thirty-six thousand and now they could get paid for what they do, but somehow very few folks really get it together to produce magazine type content online. I think maybe I will see if I can get Forrest to drive my broken-ankle-having ass to the magazine store later today. Feeling a little nostalgic. Maybe it is the clean air and rainy overcast weather.

Oh, and here is what I wrote about the photo of Gen: We've worked with her a lot over the years. Although we put her on the cover of Blue Blood in print, oddly we have shot her not once, but twice, for magazine covers that ended up not happening. We shot her for the cover of Juggernaut before they sadly went out of business. We also shot her for the cover of a certain supposedly Gothic magazine which was going to take Gen's band credit off of the cover picture because a certain supposedly Gothic mall store told them to. Needless to say, Gen was not too thrilled at the idea of not having her band credited, so we told the magazine they couldn't use the shoot, even though we'd already spent the dough and time on doing it. I figure it is always nice to see Gen anyway and we do work well together and I wasn't about to throw away a long positive relationship just to have one more magazine cover in my clip book portfolio. I sometimes miss the days of the zine explosion where supposedly underground publications genuinely really were trying to service their scenes. Rest of gallery on at

Friday, December 03, 2004

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Commercial Photography Jobs

So, a number of people have been asking about commercial photography jobs lately. I usually don't pitch shooting catalog or band stuff to people I meet in day-to-day life. I think this is mostly because I prefer to just hang out and be sociable on a random evening and partly because I am pretty overworked as is. I've been getting a lot of sort of odd back door requests for commercial photography lately, so I thought I would just post rates here in case anyone is interested in hiring me and for that type of work.

Our day rate for jobs such as clothing catalogs is $X,XXX.XX [CENSORED BY FORREST WHO DOESN'T WANT ANY MORE GODDAMN WORK RIGHT NOW]
Our discount half day rate for band promo is $X,XXX.XX with the exception of album/CD art or merch which starts at $X,XXX.XX

We generally throw in some extras such as casting and sometimes some bonus press for free, but certain expenses such as extra equipment or location rentals or models can cost extra.

We are very interested in shooting interesting and original clothing lines for product placement and for press coverage on our sites and in print. If you have good photos of your line already, please submit to and we may interview you for coverage on which is the most visited lifestyle site doing significant forward fashion coverage on the net. You may send clothing to:

Blue Blood
8033 Sunset Blvd #4500
West Hollywood, CA 90046

If your line is mostly rude T-shirts or something along those lines, clothes are not returnable. If you do couture evening wear or expensive corsets or high end latex, then we can make arrangements to return your clothing after shooting. Please email before shipping.

If you are in a cool band, you can go ahead and have your label send a package to the same address listed above. We might give your band some press coverage on or in one of the magazines we contribute to and we might not, but that is pretty much how press works. Let us know when you are playing shows in Los Angeles and if you have some cool promo photos available we could use to cover your music. If Forrest and/or I like your look, we might photograph you ourselves.

If we give your band or fashions coverage which includes our original photography, please do not thank us for doing you the favor of good press coverage by coming back to us with requests for a million more favors. If we do press on you and exposed what you do to thousands of people in a magazine or millions of people online, if anybody owes anybody a favor, you owe us a favor, not vice-versa.

If you want to talk about trading free shows or custom clothes or something along those lines, we are often up for punk rock barter.

For the record, I generally avoid commercial photography jobs, even though I'd make more money doing them, because I don't really enjoy them as an artist and I don't really have the time. For those of you reading the numbers and deciding to hit me up for rent next time you need it, I've paid enough people's rent this year. I'm not motivated by money, so I mostly do work which feels artistically good and which I think is good for my community. If I put a gallery of burlesque photos Forrest and I shot for free up on and 120 million people look at them this year, that is a lot of expensive bandwidth, but I feel things like that are good for my community because they give exposure to a lot of people. That is journalistic.

If the object is just so one person or business can get paid off of my sweat, then that is commercial work and I need to be compensated so that I can continue doing the journalistic and artistic work without charging anyone.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Someone tried to steal my domain!

Someone tried to transfer my domain away from me today. With the new ICANN rules, apparently some registrars can make a transfer go through if someone requests it and the owner does not happen to respond to the transfer request for five days. Used to be, you had to actively do something to transfer your domain. Clearly, this is going to be used by domain thieves. I sure do not understand the reason they put this new rule in place. Does anybody else understand it?

Monday, I am going to attempt to pursue finding out who was behind the transfer attempt, although the registrar does not want to give me that information. Any suggestions on how to compell them to do so? I mean, that is a pretty big deal that someone tried to steal that domain. That site is important to me. For now, I have added domain lock service to all of my domains.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Damn It

Wow. I just messaged someone I've done business with before and enjoyed many long conversations with and asked her about doing some more biz end of January and when she wanted to paint the town red with me in Vegas. She seemed kind of short with me and told me to contact another person at her company. This was odd behavior as she is usually a sweet, warm, intelligent, interesting, friendly person. She had posted on a forum I haven't really been reading lately that her husband died last night. Fuck. She didn't deserve that and I'm so mortified to have dropped her a line about hanging out and business when she has only been back from the hospital for like 12 hours or something. And she is in fucking London now, far from home, far from where I could do anything to help. I don't know whether I am going to cry or be sick. I was going to get some more work done tonight, but I think I'm done now.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Saturday, November 20, 2004

I had fun today and now it is worky time for Amelia. I had fun and got a lot of work done yesterday too. Actually, this has just been a really excellent week overall.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


So, for my most recent Marquis column, I interviewed an awesome designer named Luci. When I asked Luci what contact info I should list for her, she said, "human contact is bad." I'm not sure all human contact is bad, but I'm starting to think phone and email are kinda bad. Maybe instant messenger too, but the jury is still out on that.

This is probably not a news bulletin to anyone who knows me or reads my journal, but I do not heal very well these days. I have a broken ankle. When I went in for my second set of xrays, they showed absolutely zero bone regrowth. If I am still on crutches in three months, I will have to undergo some sort of creepy bone stimulation therapy. I need help for freaking everything right now. Just getting some goat cheese on spelt bread or taking a bath is a nighmarish chore.

I was going to complain about people in general, but actually most people I know have been really awesome. (Anj -- Forrest sent you payment at double standard rate for being so cool and patient with my slow ass.) There are just a few people who have really been bugging me. I don't want to tell someone to fuck off just because I feel sucky. But, if I freaking tell someone what is going on with me, which I don't usually do with medical stuff, and they are still all pushy and think their thing should be top priority, it really bugs the hell out of me.

Most people I know have been really cool, but I just feel like hell. The stress on my body is just really getting to me.

And I did feel better when I pretty much ignored the existence of email for a few days. I think I am going to develop a schedule of only checking it a few times a week or something.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Smurf Porn

I fucking knew I had to know someone who could answer the smurf porn question. Here is the link to find out more than you ever wanted to know about smurf porn. There is no nudity at this site so I guess it might be safe for work, but I admit to having no experience with what bosses do or do not freak out about when employees are goofing off in the workplace.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Too Funny

Snarfed from Forrest Black

I Got Your Halo2

Right Here Baby!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Broken Ankles Suck & So Do Most People

Ya know, I am human and I want to be loved just like everybody else does. But I don't want it bad enough to keep giving people more more more more more, when they do not return the favor.

I realize I'm ill and my foot hurts and maybe I am just feeling cranky, but I am really fed up and the thing where people do not seem to feel like giving me any slack when I have real problems, but I am supposed to jump every time their boyfriend of two days blows his nose . . . well, it pisses me off.

I am not an ATM, yet somehow I am always way up there on the list of who people call when it is time to make rent or bail or whatever.

I am all for punk rock barter, but not when the plan is why don't I give some band tons of free work and they might work for me for a discount. And not when the plan is why don't I promote someone's projects for them and they might want extra to model for me now that they are a name. That is not fucking barter. That is disrespectful and one-sided.

I am sick of people who get enraged if there is one damn person I know who I have not introduced them to yet, but who introduce me to almost no one. I am sick of people who want an invitation to any project I am involved in who do not involve me in theirs.

I am sick of girls who are bitchy because they think I am going to steal their man or their girl. If I wanted your man or your girl, I'd have them already.

I am sick of photographers who get my models so fucked up on drugs they end up hospitalized and unable to shoot with me. Or at least deathly sick and bloated with horrible skin and unable to shoot with me.

I am sick of people who look at sexuality in such an ugly way and have such poor powers of discernment that they can't look at a dressed photo I shot without deciding it is secretly explicit, just because I am good at what I do and so is Forrest.

I am going to go watch TiVo. I never used to be a TV person. Went years without having one which got reception. But I bet CSI and Comedy Central will disappoint me less than my fellow man.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Ya know what really gets my goat . . .

This is probably going to bother some people, but I really don't give a fuck at this point. I am so eager to please. I am always thinking about other people's wittle feelings. I think it is time I got some consideration for a change.

(1) It really pisses me off that almost everyone I know gets free stuff from either the government or their family or both. I work my ass off all the time and yet I feel like there are way too many people who resent the things I have earned. If you are on welfare or have a giant trust fund, get the fuck off of my bank account. You don't know what I make and you don't know how much I give and you are in no position to judge.

(2) It really pisses me off when people have no concepts or ambitions of their own, so they want to snarf mine. For the longest time, I had no bio on my journal or anything else. I've made personal sites for other people, but the cobbler's daughter has no shoes. Finally, I add a pretty minimalist bio to my journal and MS account and I am now reading fragments of my text in other people's bios already. I suppose it should come as no surprise to me that a photographer who learned to shoot from one of my models and who has shot another one of my models in a location I selected to shoot them in . . . well, the fact that he wants to base his bio on mine -- just without the credits I have -- should come as no surprise.

(3) Wow, just when I thought people couldn't suck more, they prove me wrong. It really pisses me off when people slag the hell out of someone they do not even know and then act indignant when the person they libeled defends themself.

Monday, October 25, 2004


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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Hate fake search engines/Call for writers and webmasters

So I've been thinking about how much lamer the web seems to be getting in some of the areas I am most interested. There are so few really cool sites any more. It seemed a few years back like everyone was working on an awesome site idea. Now the web is littered with fake search engines and cannot find servers where once there were sites. This really bums me out. So I am going to do something about it.

Do you have an idea for a site you would like to do, but you don't have the dough for hosting or the knowhow to get it going? If so, contact with your proposal or private message AmeliaG at Please provide info on what you would like to do, why you are qualified to do it, and what you will need to do it.

I will accept both sites which are going concerns in need of hosting and new concepts in need of nurturing. I may be willing to purchase an existing site, if I feel it serves the community. I may in rare instances be able to pay writers to do work for hire on a particularly useful idea.

I am just really sick of going to URLs where sites in the scene used to be, only to find a fake search engine in their place. And I am going to do something about it.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Ow Fucking Ow

So turns out I broke my ankle yesterday. Just got back from getting it set at the doctor. Still hurts :( The appliance on my leg makes me look like a really uncool version of something from Beyond Thunderdome.

I was really looking forward to going to The Brotherhood's party in San Diego tomorrow http:/ but I just have standard crutches now and I'm not sure I'll be able to get around enough. Need to decide asap so I can coordinate with my posse.

Should I still go to San Diego? I know the event will be cool and it will be fun to see Scar. And I can eat drunken shrimp.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

A Special Week

I have internet again. Apparently my old modem just gave out.

I fell on my ankle again today though. Sitting here with ice on it. It was almost better I thought, but today it did the same thing while I was just walking down the street. It just gave out, stopped responding to the messages my brain was sending it, and I fell. At least this time my ankle twisted more forward so my achilles tendon is fine. The torn tendon thing was really terrifying as that can cost upwards of $20k to attempt to repair and you can still end up a cripple.

Feeling queasy from the painkiller. Ordered food which will hopefully be here soon.

Waiting on a couple thousand scans which were supposed to be done more than a week ago. I called Tuesday to ask for status and was kind of told they hadn't started yet, but they would give me whatever they had done next Tuesday. It is a friend and they give me a good price break, so I'm not going to be too impatient, but I kind of paid for stuff early so it sucks. And, if they were done, it would allow me to take it easy on some of my current work.

Did a bunch of fall cleaning this morning and bought organizational stuff yesterday and got rid of tons of junk and was feeling mighty pleased. Hey, and I don't have to endure platitudes about at least you have your health. Bonus for me!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Jon Stewart's appearance on Crossfire

If you are one of the six or seven people who have not seen any of Jon Stewart's appearance on Crossfire, you should click here now.

I think it is most entertaining that Jon Stewart is actually becoming an important voice in American politics. His lead-in show right now might be puppets making crank phone calls, but I think he will eventually run for office. And win.

I must however admit that I find Tucker Carlson disturbingly hot. Like he just really needs someone to have an elegant refined quiet dinner with him and then tie him to the bedposts and make him howl. But maybe that is just me.

Saturday, October 16, 2004


The weird back pain I was getting in the mornings seems to have decided to hurt a lot more and become an all day affair. I feel like hell. Swollen and achey in way too many places. My skin is really aggravated. My brain is foggy. Not just my ankle but a bunch of my joints are popping and painful. I probably should have gotten the MRI, but they are so expensive. The weird waves in some of my fingernails are becoming more pronounced. My breasts are tender like it is my time of the month, but it isn't. I just want to crawl out of my skin.

I wish someone could just give me a regimen of eat this, drink this, take this, and excersize this in the following quantities and it will all be fine. I can handle self-discipline. Okay, if my body is producing antibodies to wheat, I can handle avoiding that, but I can't handle the seemingly endless parade of conflicting don'ts with no actual getting to feel good and healthy at the end of the tunnel.

I can't stand never knowing when I will have a good day and I don't think I can take having a whole lot more unadressable symptoms.

Friday, October 15, 2004

This Is How We Roll

A friend of mine shoots for Bookworm Bitches and about a zillion other sites. She is a busy girl, but today she just sent me pix of me and Forrest she took in the SUV Limo we took in Arizona in April on our way to the dinner thrown by the nice people who do Tranny Trouble and other sites. And we look like we are on our way some place nice too. Oh wait, we were.

Yo Bitch, Can You Spare a Dime for a Jerk?

Still feeling pretty under the weather. My foot is still too jacked up for proper exercise and some people are getting on my nerves. The number of people who pre-judge me and then come to me passing judgement with their hand out really pisses me off. Like does that ever work? The technique of telling someone that you know they suck and then asking for them to do a favor to disprove the suckitude already assumed.

I know. I know. I have received only a couple of irritating requests this week and dozens of people have been super duper cool during the same time period. Been getting a lot of emails and messages from people telling me how much Blue Blood in print meant to them and how much it changed their lives. I think relaunching has been really cool because it gives the people Blue Blood was originally intended for a place to congregate.

Just wish I were feeling healthier. The positives so totally outweight the negatives and I know I'd be better about focussing on them if I didn't feel so feverish and achey and generally brain-fogged and behind the eightball.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Been working on EroticBPM and updates all night. I am pretty sleepy now, but I am also almost done. I love the feeling of actually getting to check off a bunch of things on my massive to-do list.

Among other things, I did a write-up about Taime's new club Pretty Pussy, complete with photo gallery of course, at My favorite new pic we just posted is this one of Forrest and Taime. Hee hee.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Getting Help

Actually getting help on stuff from the people I partner with on various projects totally rules. Except for the part where I have to be awake to communicate with people working on programming and ad sales and all that good stuff. Fuck I am tired. That girlie thang Szandora and I always get at the same time is not a plus.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Trouble is on the way!

Yay! Szandora is coming to town. Trouble is on the way! This shot is from our most recent visit with her in Vegas. This set appears on both and and the cute undies are courtesy of the cool folks at Beauty Fiend.

G.R. Ezekiel Nightshades Midnight Carnival!

I know there is at least one Southern California Halloween event not to be missed! The same folks who did the X-Sanguin III event during Comic Con are kicking out the jams this October 23 with a night under the big top at their own twisted carnival. Their last two events sold out completely. You can check it out at and we're looking at giving away a couple of pairs of tickets to a few lucky Blue Bloods!

So stop by the boards at for your chance to win tickets! We will be giving away tickets for the longest thread on the board, for the best thread, and for the most new members referred, not to mention a couple of wild card lotteries. So start a thread which turns out to be a hot one and send your friends over to sign up for the boards and you could win tickets to this hot event! Fire up your engines!

Lost in Phoenix

I am soooooooooo going to do a series of shoots featuring naked girls on the merry-go-round at Griffith Park.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Yesterday was not so good

I woke up because two cars made a huge noise crashing right outside my window.

It was earthquake weather which makes me as freaked out as any wild animal.

Day before yesterday I tried putting wheat back into my elimination diet and confirmed what the bloodwork already said which is that I'm allergic to fucking wheat at this point. So my skin got all red and irritated and I felt really headachey and feverish the day before yesterday. Which means I got to start yesterday having missed sending some paperwork to my lawyer and having missed an ad deadline and having missed scheduling a shoot, those being the main things on my to-do list for the day.

So I was jittery from car wreck and earthquake and having eaten food I'm allergic to and was kicking myself for not being able to work when totally ill.

So I go down my friends list and I swear almost every post was a "in summary my life is a failure" or "hopefully the new meds will make this bearable" or "hellish detail of divorce" type of thing.

I went to post something supportive in a journal belonging to someone I've known for many years and came across a flurry of posts from someone who totally betrayed my friendship. And who, last time I saw them, told me that they totally didn't give a damn about the person whose journal they were posting in yesterday, that the guy was a loser who would never have what it took to live in Los Angeles and couldn't even get hard for some anal sex. Managed to restrain myself from clicking over to their journal. More because I knew how boring it would be than that I lacked morbid curiousity. But it still irritated me because I had managed to not think of them at all in quite a while and seeing their ugly icon made me think all over again about whether I should have told them what they did wrong instead of just hoping they would change in a positive way and the bad things they did could be water under the bridge. Plus I hate the thing where people talk really brutal smack behind someone's back and then act like they are a supportive friend to their face.

Sorry I was a little cranky, Xtian. I strongly prefer that people not ask me about picture stuff that way in this venue, but I was feeling sucky and behind the eightball already and I absolutely feel the way I said, but I don't feel that way at quite the Spinal Tap eleven I expressed it at yesterday.

Then some stranger in LJ was making comments about Szandora being too popular. Yeah, whatever that means.

Then I had to spend a few hours dealing with a business banking problem too complex and boring to detail, but suffice it to say that is was stressful and irritating.

Then I had a beverage fortified with a lot of vitamin C and had intense kidney and general abdominal pain. I knew I couldn't take the pills any more and I've had this reaction before, but never so severe and only to the pills, not to just a drink.

Eating is my favorite thing and I am so tired of having to be so careful about it. Just the stress of not knowing what fucked new chemical sensitivity my body will come up with makes mealtime less fun.

This morning I started the day waking up dehydrated from being so sick last night. Then I got an email that there might be a problem with my New Year's reservations in Vegas for the Blue Blood crew. Hopefully I ironed that out already. I'm going to drink water, attempt to eat something, and hopefully go back to sleep soon.

Monday, September 27, 2004


So yesterday I went over to a photographer's house. Someone I first met in 1995 when Blue Blood exhibited at the big comics show there. Realized he lives four blocks from me now. We talked about art and the exhorbitant price of California real estate vs. how awesome it is to live here. Really nice to hang out with someone talented who is not weirdly competitive. Very refreshing and enjoyable.

Just posted a new feature on Andy Laplegua of Combichrist and frontman of Icon of Coil at with an interview by Kellie, in case you thought she was solely a hottie, she does a fine interview as well. Photography by myself and ForrestBlack. He was a fabulous photographic subject. Very creative and moved well in front of the camera. All rock guys should be so excellent.

Saturday, September 25, 2004


Today is a good day. Feeling much better and cranking on getting things done this week. Think I might actually be sort of caught up soon. Whoo-hoo!

Going to go buy myself some organic goodness now. Think I will make a doctor's appointment on Monday and see if I can start being more active and maybe try some yoga classes with Alex.

Now if I could just get on a sleep schedule vaguely related to my time zone . . .

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Reality Check

Soooooo . . . there is this promoter who has an event coming up. I first met this promoter years ago when I still lived on the east coast and was just visiting Cali when a zinester friend took me to said promoter's club night. The promoter was doing a really cool night then and he was still super effusive about how jazzed he was to have me and Forrest there etc. I liked the guy. We even supported some of his events after his stock took a downturn and they were not really the ideal ones to be supporting, but we felt that he was doing it from the right place.

He finally put a bigger event together but was always sort of weird about inviting me and Forrest to participate each year he did it. This year, he is doing the event within sight of my roof and one of my favorite Blue Blood girls wanted to perform at the event. She kind of did a freebie at it last year and was hoping to get booked properly this year. She says her performance drew more onlookers than most of the booked talent. So the promoter and I were talking about having her perform and doing some promo and all, but nothing was finalized. He wanted to not pay my girl. She was not into that. I asked him if he could offer something to help defray her expenses.

He didn't get back to me, but he did have people spam the hell out of the Blue Blood boards. One guy alone did four or five threads about the event and not in the announcements forum either. I kind of think this promoter is trying to use my talent and my web site to further his event, but does not want to even put up a link to on his.

Should I just tell my girl to go perform for free again? I feel like she should be valued and I know they do have talent they are paying and she says they are promoting with her image from last year.

Should I be annoyed by this? Not sure how to handle the situation. I don't want to end up with bad blood, but I don't want to be a chump either. The promoter might just be busy too and I don't want to overreact to nothing.

Dead Letter Office

When you mail somebody something twice, do you assume that they really got the thing both times and are looking for a third freebie or do you assume there is a problem at their post office or a problem at your post office?

Before I ran an internationally distributed magazine, I always thought there was no such thing as lost in the mail i.e. the check is in your mouth, I won't come in the mail. Doing mailings of thousands of magazines, I realized that there is an infinite number of things the USPS can do to screw up. When we were based in Atlanta, we paid for an address correction service which was supposed to give us change of address info, but the Atlanta postal people thought we were evil and decided not to give us the data we paid for. Now that is evil.

Atlanta had a 24 hour Post Office. Which sounds great, except for the part where the counter people would get pissy if you made them mail more than 12 items and they would often just throw out whatever you mailed more than 12. Fortunately we learned this before losing too much, but still.

When I first got my space in Hollywood, there was some disagreement on which area it was zoned for as the building rested on sort of the line. The two post offices disagreed on which one should pick up and deliver the mail. Later on someone here (not me) slapped a postal carrier. So, to make a long story short, I don't put things out for the postman here; I go to the Post Office.

So what are you likely to believe if someone says they did not receive something you sent them?


Okay, I'm leaning towards going with Money Bookers as my paypal alternative. I know some people who have used it and had positive experiences and I don't think I know anyone who has had a horrible one yet. Anyone have any experiences with it they'd like to share with me before I walk the plank? Thanks.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Old Skool

It took me a while to transition both me and Blue Blood to the web. Forrest pretty much had to drag me kicking and screaming and I still do more magazine work than most anyone else in my position would. The modes of communication are different and the place for fashion and music is different and the money is different. I'm an old school zinester and some of those values are tough to hold in a world where my most serious business competitor could be a fifty-year-old multinational corporation in sheep's clothing.

Lately I've been thinking about the fact that thing really have turned out about 80% how I planned and how I wanted and that is probably not a bad score given how high I was aiming.

One of the things I wish had gone better as I achieved so many of my dreams is I feel like there are a few relationships I wish I had been able to take better care of. Given how many people I have met with my varied interests and all the places I have lived, the percentage of people I wish I had not missed a certain connection with is verrrrrrrrrrrrry low. I've been trying to come up with sort of a list of people who really know me. And know me from before I had the ability to put people on magazine covers. Sure, I want my friends to be pleased for my accomplishments, but sometimes I forget what an amazing distance I've traversed because it was a tough journey to stay in touch during. Both literally and metaphorically. Lately I've been able to patch up a couple of relationships and just appreciate the ones I have so much better and I'm awfully pleased about it. Spent part of this evening deciding whether or not to send an email to someone on that list of people I wish I had been able to maintain a relationship with and then realized that I (a) had the wrong email address and (b) the person didn't have internet access. Doh!

I suppose no one here has a contact email for Elisabeth Bjerregaard-Pederson?

Monday, September 20, 2004


Anyone here try YowCow as an alternative to the freaking awful PayPal? Good experiences? Bad ones?

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Thanks Ed!

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Wow Kapow

Apparently this assault weapon ban being lifted is a hot issue. The Blue Blood community boards thread on the issue already has 130 replies and counting. An armed society is a polite society and Blue Blood does have some of the politest boards on the net. Now the good manners all make sense.

Saturday, September 11, 2004


I injured my ankle and tore a tendon in April and I was not able to work out or really even get around much for a few months, so I packed on some pounds sitting in front of the computer. Not much for a webmaster, but more than I'm thrilled with.

I don't want to go the Beverly Hills doctor diet pill route, but I'd like to have a professional paying attention to what I do and looking at me from time to time. Thinking that both a nutritionsit and an allergist would be helpful.

Really, I just saw the episode of CSI with the vampire nutritionist and I'm hoping to get mauled by a dog while jogging. Okay, I did just see that episode, but I really am looking for help on this.

Thursday, September 09, 2004


I have really really bad cramps. Forrest is the coolest. That will be all.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Rock Photography

Just came across a site where people were talking about how some of Forrest's and my photos of Gen from the Genitorturers on at were some of the best they had ever seen done of her. We originally were shooting them partly for magazine cover, only a certain company with the initials HT was cranky about it and didn't want to credit who the cover hottie was on the cover. It didn't help that the magazine's designer photoshopped Jesus suffering on a cross in the background of our photo. It also didn't help that the publisher sent the cover to said christian company for approval at Eastertime.

Over the years, I've shot members of bigger bands (Red Hot Chili Peppers, Korn, Manson, etc.) but Blue Blood was the first US magazine to put The Genitorturers on the cover. And we had seen them a lot over the years and I liked them as people and I liked their band and I liked their shows. So I felt invested in that relationship and that shoot. Not that Gen was horrible or anything, but I really went to bat for her and it ended up being a real problem that I insisted she be properly credited with our photo. She was pretty upset at the time and I promised her that her photo would not appear without her name and her band's name. Most photographers would have just let the magazine do whatever it wanted and later said they had no control over what the magazine did, no matter what they promised. My word means something though. The photos from that shoot have only appeared where we could credit her, so I kept my word, but it took a lot out of me. If someone went to bat for me like that, I would probably send them a fruit basket or a rare Blue Blood back issue or something.

The whole thing was kind of a nail in the coffin of doing rock photography for me. I was initially thinking of doing another one of the Blue Blood girls for the cover of this particular publication, but, when I saw Gen was coming through LA, I thought it would be fun to shoot her again and get her on the cover instead. Forrest and I had already shot Szandora, Yolanda, Batty, and Fetus de Milo for the cover of this mag. Yes, they photoshopped out Yolanda and Fetus' facial piercings to please HT, but shooting those covers was a lot more fun.

Seeing people I don't know on the net getting excited about the shots Forrest and I did of Gen made me think about some of what I like creatively about rock photography. Mostly we enjoy shooting people with intense personalities and the rock world has a lot of those.

I'm feeling pretty positive these days. I like that I have cut down on some things to reduce drama, but I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, just because there are people who would like to make cool things a pain.

Should I go back to doing more rock photography?

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Wow, small world

Someone on the Blue Blood boards just private messaged me a link to a photographer's site so I could check out a very young (very hot) pic of someone else who posts there. The photographer whose site it is was very accomplished and shot for tons of rock mags in the heyday of the Sunset Strip. So I click around and, fuck a duck, I see that she shot a calendar of the hottest guys in the rock scene in Los Angeles, according to a panel of scene chicks.

One of the months was totally the first guy I picked up in Los Angeles. I failed to get naked with him when we hung out because his friends turned me off and then I left his info in a friend's car and the friend's car got impounded and I never did talk to him again. He got me to eat Fatburger with stuff on it, even though I normally eat my cheeseburgers plain and he wore an inscribed bracelet from a girl he loved back home. His hair was whiter when I met him than in the photo and I thought he was the hottest guy I met in LA. I would have thought of a cure for cancer, but I remembered these details about a guy I saw twice instead. How bizarre.

Relaunching has really pulled a lot of blasts from the past out for me. Both people I've gotten back in touch with and past lives I've been reminded of.

I was going to do a post about how the dicks mailbombing us managed to annihilate most of my email from 2003 and 2004 today. And about the headaches adding more servers to our hosting to handle all the new visitors and more active return visitors on our sites. And the crazy guy who keeps yelling in the street outside where I live. And how I threw my neck out again twisting around in a nightmare while trying to stay asleep during his screaming.

But really, all that was just washed away. I love that, although the new has been bringing up a lot of old wounds, it is also bringing to the front of my mind all the reasons that I got into doing what I do. How I loved the pageantry and the individuality and the passion and the intensity. I've been thinking that I am disenchanted because overly dramatic pixels on the internet claim the same names as subcultures I have passed through, but really I just need to create a place online for the people who care about the things I care about. The rest really doesn't matter much.

I will not abandon my community because of a few interlopers who want to call themselves by the same names as things much greater than they are. I took the path less travelled on purpose. I fought to have a life less ordinary.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

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Sunday, August 08, 2004

Passion Fruit Mousse

I'm going to go get gourmet pastry.
I Feel Yucky

Nothing is particularly wrong. I'm really pleased with the way my creative energies are being directed. Excited about the Fall. Loving the Blue Blood boards. Eaten yummy food recently. Yeah, my ankle is still jacked up and, along with some other health thangs, that is impeding my ability to excersize. But picking up heavy things and putting them down again is hardly my reason for being. Tried to watch comic Ron White on TiVo, but he just wasn't funny enough. Partly he was reusing material that was funny the first time, but lost something in repetition. Having hot and cold flashes and should probably go to the doctor again, but if it hasn't been fixed with the first gajillion dollars in medical bills, not sure the next time will be the charm. Probably partly just this weird murderous PMS I seem to have acquired, but I'm sick of it. Sick of being under the weather when I've got work to do. Maybe the Blue Blood relaunch is part of where I'm feeling bad. It is going really well, but it is a little like picking scabs off a wound I thought the scars were long-healed on. Hmmm, fever seems to be subsiding. Maybe I will eat some leftover BBQ and try TiVo again.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

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Friday, August 06, 2004

Comic Con 2004

So I'm recovered enough from Comic Con to write about it on My hotel was fucking awesome.

I got to share a few buckets of shrimp with Forrest and got to commando photograph him being "sassed" by our waitress.

I got to run into my old housemate Colin. Who is fucking responsible for me reading comics in the first place.

And Coredumper showed me a good time.

And I got to have a three-way with Forrest and Steve.

The convention itself was a lot like a big store which charges admission. The Sam's Club of comics, if you will. But I had a blast. If you wish to read all about it in detail, just click.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Yay I Got the New Marquis In!

Yay, I got the new Marquis in finally. It took weeks from when they sent me mags for them to come in. Local LA folks, I'll give you yours in person. Out of town people, please send me your current mailing address here. I don't like to send $20 magazines to unconfirmed addresses. Thanks.

I'm especially pleased with the Jonno, Szandora, and Genesis LaVey stuff in this edition. It is always nice to be able to do coverage on the people who are extra good to me and really deserve it.

Wow, this means Forrest Black and I have had many pages of our work published in all but one issue of Marquis over the last three plus years. And we are some of the only American photographers to have shot a cover for them. I think the only others are Steve Diet Goedde and Sean McCall who shoots for the SpookyCash sites Space Girls and Vampire Sex. Whoo-hoo!

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

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Monday, August 02, 2004

A Lot of People Sure Have Had Problems with Pay Pal Lately

So apparently a certain competitive site reported my PayPal account even though I was not using it to sell anything adult.
PayPal just told me that they decided to close my account, even though I was not in violation, because someone could "miscontrue" my intentions and think that perhaps I would sell something adult. Even though my TOS clearly state that I comply with PayPal TOS and do not accept PayPal for adult advertisements.
I don't really care about Pay Pal for accepting payments. Heck I lost thousands of dollars when they closed my business account. I accept Visa and MasterCard and pay by check and even Far East cards without them. But it is making me crazy having my personal account shut down because a lot of other people accept payment through PayPal.
Which services do other people like to get payments with?

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


I'm home now. Will write about comics for shortly. I appear to have bitten off a lot of work. Was kind of less productive than I wanted to be today, but I'm really happy about the way things are coming together. Surreally, I unexpectedly ran into the person who first got me into comics at coredumper's event in SD. I took many funny pictures. My hotel rocked, but I didn't take any pictures of naked girls in it. Did get to see fireworks from the balcony. TiVo didn't catch much of interest in my absence. I couldn't believe my box of the new Marquis still had not shown up when I got back. I am getting a bunch of new servers for my sites. Not sure how many yet, but more than I have now. Servers sure do add up after a while. But better too much than not enough I think. Rock and roll. I bought some really yummy cold cuts. I think I am going to eat some and then maybe go to sleep after reading something I bought at the convention or perhaps the new Carl Hiassen novel.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Hey, check it out!

While some people were playing political games, Forrest and I were being productive. [takes moment to both in- and exhale] Okay, okay . . . RTB threw a party for the relaunch and the feature is now posted at Thanks, Jenn, Dave, and Jeremy!

TONS more hot deathrock photography at!
Fetish Gossip

Note to morons: is not my site. I have never even posted so much as a comment on it. I just now used the site's contact form to see if they collect IPs of people who post in their sidebar because I'd like to know what fucking idiot posted that I am a part of that site.
I was on that site for months before Ugly Shyla showed it to me.
I've been known to go out of my way to shoot heavy girls.
My photography and/or writing has appeared in Marquis, Skin Two, Secret, Taboo, Fetish, Extreme Fetish, Women in Power, Gothic Beauty, and of course Blue Blood, but I don't really see my work as fundamentally fetish, so it would be silly for me to build a site based on that scene. There is only one person in the fetish scene I really dislike and I think a site where I slagged the same slag on a weekly basis would get awfully dull. I'm kind of proud of publishing so many interesting sites, so I'd feel silly doing one on all one topic all the time. I would also find it uninteresting. Believe me, would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more boring and repetitive if it were my site.
It is true that I like Kelly and I will stand up and say it in public. Does anyone really think I don't have what it takes to say who I don't like in public? I like to focus on the positive, but I am out of patience, so I'd recommend that certain people not push me. Hell, you do not even want to motivate me to post comments on I'm happy to focus on the positive, but I do know the truth and I'll just keep linking that site if I get mentioned on it in any form. If you don't like that site, leave my name far from it, because I will talk about it when I am mentioned. I'm not afraid to sign my name to the truth and my lawyer is better than yours. And mine doesn't have to worry about being asked about their preferences in receiving enemas from clients in open court.
Leave me the fuck out of it because I would rather pay attention to good things and what I'm working on. And you won't like my green ass if you make me really angry. (Dork points if you get the reference, but I'm in that mode this week.)
If there are any fetish scenesters who would like to know my opinion of them, just drop me an email or post a note on inquiring. The people complaining loudest about that site are the two-faced scum who think they have a monopoly on talking trash anonymously. I'm willing to stand by what I have to say. I am way too productive to spend a week insulting any one person, but I'll be glad to take the time out to post a few sentences of the good, the bad, and the ugly, upon request. I've shot more than two thousand people. But I don't think I need all my fingers to count the number of people I've shot that I don't feel positive about.
You want my opinion, all you have to do is ask for it. I'll be happy to sign my name.
For that matter, if you want Forrest Black's opinion of you, I bet he would provide it upon request as well.
Now, if you all will excuse me, I have actual work to do.
/end rant

Thursday, July 15, 2004


I have Chinese food delivery. Cashew chicken and salt and pepper shrimp with head on. Smells amazing and I'm about to eat some. It rules to be me!
Oh for fuck's sake... 

Okay, so when I posted the link to, someone friended me and showed me some evidence that she (don't know her but am pretty sure she is female) felt showed Kelly owns She felt that IP tracking was 100% proof. As an internet professional, I know IPs can be spoofed. I felt the evidence was inconclusive. But it is irrelevant anyway. The site is kind of funny but hardly worth building a lifestyle around. I don't have any new fetish scene drama in my life and I like that just fine. No desire to get involved.
Anyway, I was going down my friends list and saw a post about made by vivavanstory and so I trundled over to the site to see what recent updates had been. I noticed a post there referring to these pictures and this livejournal post.
So I posted the following in response to this person who had contacted me first:
Was just going over my friends list and your entry reminded me to take a look at Fetish Gossip and I noticed your post referring to my diner snapshots.
Forrest Black made a joke to me that the reason people think Fetish Gossip is Kelly's site is because they looked around the scene and were like "now who has a spine . . ." I'm not saying I agree with everything Kelly thinks or vice-versa, but I do respect his spine. S.P.I.N.E. is not a secret organization or a nonsecret one for that matter.
It was a joke I posted for Forrest's amusement because he was ribbing me about posting pix of the four of us in a diner. The general theme being that people would over-interpret snapshots of four people eating burgers.
. . . and I discovered that they had taken me back off of their friends list, after they had contacted me first, so that I could not actually reply. The reason sites like this Fetish Gossip one get popular is because of breakdowns in communication. A perfect stranger contacts me and wants to have a dialog about something. I am open to her. I listen to what she has to say. And then find that I can not respond. What is wrong with people?
Peer Pressure

Hey, no one I respect ever got addicted . . .

Evelyne got me to join Friendster a while back. Never really used it though. Masuimi recently got me to join My Space. Been revisiting the whole sort of friend network concept on various sites. Most of them just don't have enough context somehow. Also, Evelyne is a musician and I added a couple of people on the various networks who I actually know who are musicians and now every band in the friend network universe is asking me to add them. Seems sort of spammy, but they have to promote somehow.

I want a better internet time-utilizer.
Twitchy Eyeball

Why is my right eye twitching so badly again lately? It had almost completely stopped for a while. I have some writing I need to do which is kind of overdue in my personal schedule for myself, but the twitching is driving me crazy. Hard to catch up on email or anything much longer than a post on I'm really pleased with the diversity and intelligence of the people posting in the Blue Blood Community.

I love my South Park cartoon of myself with the twitching eye.

I think I am going to try to address some of this health junk with diet again. No complex carbs, minimal sugars, minimal dairy, no caffeine, no alcohol, more veggies, more protein, all that fun stuff.

Went to sort of two dinners tonight. Someone I know was doing a sort of debut for her new chef and then we had another dinner to go to as well. Yum yum.

Chatted on ICQ for a while. That was nice, but my bestest ICQ buddy moved to New York for the month and our schedules never match up lately.

Got some really cool press for various projects this month. I found an awesome new law firm. I've actually left the house and had fun with a bunch of different social circles lately. The new Marquis is out in English now, but I haven't seen it. I think it only shipped like Monday, though, so that makes sense. I have a bunch of things to be actually pretty thrilled about, but I'm feeling kinda down at the moment. I'm feeling sad partly about health probs and partly about the ways that the internet has changed human interaction for the worse. There are a bunch of ways the internet has greatly improved my world, but I can't help feeling like somehow it makes things more convenient for lazy poisonous people. I look down my friends list and it seems like all of the best people I know are having trouble connecting with enough of the people on their wavelength to not get kinda screwed.

I think I've got a rant in me about how everyone is in business on the internet, but they are in minor under-the-radar biz and way too few people are even trying to connect on human terms.

But I think I'll save that for later. I've got four contracts to read over. A bunch of banner stuff to work on. Site updates to do. Contributors to calculate payments for. And a magazine deadline which was the 11th. And a bunch of other stuff on little purple stickies all over my monitor.

Feeling kind of better for having taken some Advil and vitamins when I started writing and just the writing itself helps get the blahs out of my system.